Example sentences of "hon. [noun] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend welcome the British Medical Association 's somewhat belated conversion to the concept of fund-holding GPs ?
2 Does my right hon. Friend welcome the splendid announcement of a multi-million pound investment in my constituency this week by Smith Kline Beecham ?
3 If things are as bad as the hon. Gentleman says , will my right hon. Friend ask the business men why the west midlands has managed to attract so much investment in manufacturing from abroad , why foreign countries have chosen to locate in the United Kingdom and whether they believe that those people would stay if they had to experience the burden of heavy taxation , job losses and days lost in strikes that would occur with the return of a Labour Government ?
4 Will my hon. Friend ask the Opposition whether they will continue to embark upon their policy of abolishing those trusts ?
5 Will my right hon. Friend ask the Secretary of State for the Environment to investigate the matter and make a statement to the House about the deepening trough of local government in Labour-controlled parts of London ?
6 Does my right hon. Friend envisage the creation of a Territorial Army element in the Household Division , which would go some way to alleviating the greatly increased overstretch that the 40 per cent .
7 Does my hon. Friend know the estimated figure for his local authority ?
8 Does my hon. Friend know the comparative costs involved ?
9 Given that the burning of municipal waste is a major element can my hon. Friend estimate the number of landfill sites that will no longer be needed , and whether an increase in the burning of waste will lessen the problem in places such as Crossways in my constituency , where vast areas are threatened with landfill ?
10 Will my right hon. Friend tell the House what future benefits — proven benefits — the people of this country will see flowing from the citizens charter ?
11 Will my right hon. Friend tell the House what he feels about the accuracy of the continued Russian accounting for nuclear warheads ?
12 To that end , will my right hon. Friend tell the Irish Government that their constitutional claim to Northern Ireland gives a spurious justification to the IRA 's expressed determination to drive the British out of the island of Ireland ?
13 On his way to Wallsend , will my right hon. Friend visit the north-west of the United Kingdom , and the borough of Macclesfield in particular ?
14 If they do not give an answer , will my hon. Friend take the Leader of the Opposition out for an Italian meal ?
15 Will my right hon. Friend take the opportunity of the review of the Territorial Army to commend to the Confederation of British Industry , to the Institute of Directors and to others the training that is given by the TA so that greater public recognition can be given to it ?
16 In that regard , does my right hon. Friend support the WEU proposal of a European surveillance satellite system to engender confidence and ensure that arms control measures are adhered to ?
17 Will my hon. Friend repeat the commitment given by the Secretary of State for the Environment when he said that the new councils of Avon , Cleveland and Humberside would be among the first to receive the benefit of that new commission ?
18 Do not the figures given by my hon. Friend underline the point that many pensioners are well off — and we welcome that — and that that is a justification of the Government 's policy of targeting extra help on those who really need it ?
19 Will my hon. Friend underline the clear concept that , in terms of public expenditure , it is not what one spends but what one buys that finally counts ?
20 Will my hon. Friend press the Treasury to sort out the issue of the cost of meat inspection to ensure that the thousands of jobs presently at risk in the poultry industry will be made secure ?
21 Will my hon. Friend confirm that the terms of reference for the public inquiry that he has announced today will allow the inspector the option of recommending that my right hon. Friend refuse the National Grid Company 's application ?
22 Will my right hon. Friend refuse the invitation from the Opposition to treat pensioners as a political underclass ?
23 In anticipation of the meeting of the Agriculture Council , will my right hon. Friend re-commit the Government to the search for an equitable basis on which to reduce farm prices within the European Community and worldwide and to reduce trade barriers as well ?
24 Will my right hon. Friend encourage the Chancellor of the Exchequer not to increase the top limit on national insurance contributions because of the plight in which that would place many of my constituents and people in neighbouring Blackpool who earn under £15,000 a year but during the holiday season earn more than £400 a week ?
25 Will my right hon. Friend encourage the Opposition to initiate a Supply day debate in the not-too-distant future on the subject of the recession , because there is a strange idea , fostered by the Opposition and the media , that it is a peculiarly British disease , whereas it is worldwide ?
26 Will my right hon. Friend reassure the House that , by rejecting the social chapter , he is rejecting the strikers ' friend and the creep of socialism ?
27 As we are only a year away from the start of the single market , will my right hon. Friend reassure the public that unnecessary bureaucratic delays will not occur at our ports and airports , to the annoyance of the public ?
28 Will my hon. Friend quantify the savings to this country as a result of a number of relevant programmes being run by the Government ?
29 Will my right hon. Friend acknowledge the importance of the popular music industry and its contribution to overseas earnings ?
30 However , will my hon. Friend consider the impact on residents in areas close to the landing pads for helicopters providing such services ?
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