Example sentences of "charged with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The newspapers were particularly impressed by the appearance in Marylebone court of 88 people in a single day , 70 of whom were charged with disorderliness of some sort , although The Times ( 16 August 1898 ) observed that ‘ the majority of cases were of a very ordinary kind ’ .
2 On Jan. 29 he was also charged with involvement in the murder on May 18 , 1988 , of the owner of a private clinic , Léonce Mout .
3 On Aug. 22 , Josef Schwammberger was charged with involvement in the murder of more than 3,400 Jews while commander of two concentration camps in Poland between 1943 and 1944 .
4 On Nov. 15 , 1991 , Ghaith Pharaon , a Saudi Arabian investor , was charged with involvement in BCCI 's allegedly fraudulent takeover of a Californian bank and for fraudulent transactions with a Florida bank .
5 Over 150 Vietnamese were charged with involvement in the riots .
6 He was charged with assault on a woman .
7 They were both charged with assault on a constable in the execution of his duty .
8 He was also charged with assault on a policeman in Crewe last Wednesday , burglary , criminal deception , theft of a motor vehicle , taking a vehicle without consent and driving without insurance .
9 She was about to be investigated and charged with malpractice towards a patient .
10 She was charged with sorcery by his successor , Richard III , and made to do public penance before being imprisoned .
11 Scaevola presents a similar case in which there is a legacy of a sum of money to one man , Seius , who is charged with payment of maintenance to freedmen ; in codicils the legacy is adeemed and the sum made over to another man , Maevius : is the trust due ?
12 The crimes only came to light in 1990 when one of Oldfield 's victims , then an adult , was himself charged with indecency to children .
13 Daniel Omara Atubu : aged 44 , a member of the Democratic Party ( DP ) and Minister of State for Foreign and Regional Affairs , he and 17 other prominent citizens from northern Uganda were charged with treason on 7 May 1991 .
14 Ten military officers , including Maj. Gideon Orkar , the apparent leader of the attempt , went on trial charged with treason at the first session of the military tribunal set up to deal with offenders on May 21 .
15 By 1646 , the Royalists were defeated and King Charles I was charged with treason against the peoples parliament and was beheaded at Westminster on 30th , January 1649 .
16 Bill Forsyth has been charged with lack of seriousness .
17 The distinction between the cases is that the Hydraulic Power Co. were empowered by statute to supply water for industrial purposes , that is , they had permissive power but not a mandatory authority , and they were under no obligation to keep their mains charged with water at high pressure , or at all .
18 Connolly gave himself up to the police and was charged with damage to the cell amounting to ten shillings .
19 It was announced on Sept. 1 that the former Socialist ( SPÖ ) Chancellor , Fred Sinowatz , together with the former Foreign Minister , Leopold Gratz , and the former Interior Minister , Karl Blecha , would be charged with abuse of office in connection with the illegal sale of arms to Iran by the Noricum company in 1984-85 .
20 The officer was subsequently charged with abuse of power .
21 Mankind is charged with responsibility for the care of creation as a steward is given charge over the property of another .
22 It is vital therefore that those charged with responsibility for Equal Opportunities are consulted throughout the planning of the Compact development .
23 Type I systems , because they allocate funds to a health authority , which is charged with responsibility for the health ( care ) of its ( geographically defined ) population , will not only ensure , but will require , an important planning role for the health authority [ … ] to ensure that local needs and priorities are pursued .
24 The two defendants were charged with responsibility for three assassinations and five attempted murders .
25 The tsar 's attempts to dictate policy from St Petersburg had culminated , in 1842 , in the creation of the Sixth Department of the Imperial Chancery , the only subdivision of that body to be charged with responsibility for a discrete geographical area .
26 SAMESH KUMAR , the Birmingham chairman , was yesterday charged with misconduct by the Football Association over the St Andrews ' riot .
27 IAN WRIGHT was last night charged with misconduct by the Football Association and ordered to appear before a disciplinary commission in the New Year .
28 The £2.5 million England striker , speaking for the first time since being charged with misconduct by the Football Association over the incident , said the furore surrounding his disciplinary problems was ‘ getting beyond a joke ’ .
29 STAN FLASHMAN 'S Barnet have been charged with misconduct by the FA — just 72 hours before the controversial Underhill chairman goes before a League commission .
30 Manchester City were subsequently charged with misconduct by the Football Association and face a possible fine , or even suspension from next year 's competition .
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