Example sentences of "believes [conj] it be " in BNC.

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1 The world believes that it 's all down to inexorable economic pressures .
2 Sue Robertson , Educational Officer at The South Bank Centre , feels extremely grateful to Kodak for their essential contribution to this project , and believes that it 's very important to combat the idea many young people seem to have that galleries are very boring places to visit .
3 Dr John Gayford , consultant psychiatrist at Warlingham Park Hospital 's Psycho-Sexual Clinic , believes that it 's a historical inevitability that underwear and sex are inextricably entwined .
4 the company believes that it is in a position to provide a product or service that would satisfy this demand profitably .
5 Neil Ewart , the breeding centre manager , firmly believes that it is the association 's ‘ scientific approach ’ which has made the breeding programme so successful .
6 The Bank of England , old nanny that she is at heart , always believes that it is good for her charges to learn patience .
7 The Arkleton Trust , which was established in 1977 for the study of new approaches to rural development , with emphasis on education and training , believes that it is useful to encourage this new type of dialogue between developed and developing countries .
8 A body of representative groups headed by the Soil Association believes that it is possible to turn 20 per cent of Britain 's farming organic by the year 2000 .
9 Chris believes that it is no accident that many of the herbs which are associated with fish and cooking , such as parsley and fennel , grow better in places where fish have access to them .
10 The betrayer , Oswald , believes that it is possible to cut oneself off from the past ( compare the argument between Tom Paine and Burke about the British constitution ; is it desirable to imitate the French and abolish the past by Revolution ? ) .
11 It believes that it is the shareholders ' responsibility to take action if a company qualifies its statement of compliance .
12 But Mr Aimetti believes that it is easy enough to get them to work together successfully if they share a common technical language , in accounting , for example .
13 And he believes that it is precisely because black footballers know of each other 's natural ability , that they are able to construct the most intricate and seemingly planned movements without any preparation at all : ‘ They 've got the receivers built into their heads and can pick each other up on the same wavelength . ’
14 IBM senior vice-president and general manager of its personal systems division James Cannavino is totally wrapped up with object technology and believes that it is likely to sweep everything before it .
15 Perhaps it oversimplifies the situation to treat these as two quite different uses of such expressions as ‘ I believe that seems , rather , that it is built into the meaning of ‘ I believe that … ’ that it hovers between expressing tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , and expressing belief or awareness that the speaker believes that it is so .
16 If someone believes that it is raining , or that the knave stole the tarts , there is either a state of affairs such as he believes in or there is not , and his belief , and the statement which expresses it , is true or false ; accordingly .
17 IBM senior vice-president and general manager of its personal systems division James Cannavino is totally wrapped up with object technology and believes that it is likely to sweep everything before it .
18 The European Commission believes that it is of great importance for the completion of the internal market that a further protocol including the right of artists to claim an exhibition royalty be attached to the Berne Convention .
19 Regarding differences as to the factual consequences of insider dealing , X may want to prohibit insider dealing because it harms Y ; or , because he believes that it is an inefficient means of allocating scarce resources .
20 She believes that it is essential that her children grow up in the outside world and not be hidden away in the artificial environment of a royal palace .
21 The Government believes that it is for the professional bodies and other organizations whose members provide legal services to satisfy the courts and the public that their members are competent to undertake representation .
22 Because changes in church services arouse strong emotions and can lead to serious divisions , the Commission believes that it is sensible for a parish to have a worship committee or group .
23 The National Council for Civil Liberties ( Liberty ) believes that it is unacceptable that we have no legal right to privacy in this country and that individuals have to look to Europe — waiting many years for a result — for protection against arbitrary interference with this right .
24 Julie MacGovern , an independent training and personnel consultant , believes that it is a strength to realise when a top job would n't suit , for whatever reason .
25 Perhaps the Minister could clarify the impression given by the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) , who believes that it is all right to buy from the public purse something for £2 million and then to sell off a fraction of it for £4 1 million a fortnight later as long as the proceeds of the sale go to buses .
26 LASMO believes that it is important to maintain a strong international portfolio of exploration opportunities .
27 Thomas believes that it is also vital to work closely with the trade .
28 Within that framework the committee believes that it is not clear , firstly , whether external auditors are independent of the directors of the companies they audit , secondly , whether external auditors should be accountable to a wide range of stakeholders or only to primary stakeholders , and , thirdly , for what and to whom external auditors are financially liable if they fail in any of their duties .
29 If it can raise a vast amount of capital — £1.8 billion — and believes that it is worth while to do so , surely it is possible for British Rail to commit the £100 million that is needed to electrify the main line .
30 To assert that the knave of hearts was the person who stole the tarts is not to assert that one believes that it was he who stole them .
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