Example sentences of "continues [prep] this day " in BNC.

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1 Serrano 's Piss Christ ( which he termed ‘ a protest against the commercial invasion of sacred images ’ ) brought an outburst which continues to this day .
2 Rangers ' supporters replied in kind , and so the blood feud went on and on — and continues to this day .
3 This eventually led to the initiation of the annual ‘ Puritan ’ Conference in 1950 ( since re-named the ‘ Westminster ’ Conference ) and which continues to this day .
4 In order to bring about reconciliation , in 1301 , Edward had his eldest son , Edward of Caernarvon , proclaimed the ‘ Prince of Wales ’ , and that custom continues to this day .
5 Nowadays a modern road crosses the Glenshane Pass , and a forest has been planted across from the pub , but the tradition of hospitality begun in the little farmhouse continues to this day .
6 To make things worse , it suffered the turmoil of revolution in 1974 , invasion by Somalia in 1977 , and a bitter war against Eritrean secessionists that continues to this day .
7 This association of societies for the Blind and the Deaf continues to this day in the present building at Centenary House , North Street , Leeds .
8 Life for Hannah Hauxwell then settled into a pattern which basically continues to this day .
9 The extent of cross-breeding and hybridizing has been an explosion that continues to this day .
10 The story of her transformation from victim to victor , a process that continues to this day , is the subject of this book .
11 The friendship between Prince Charles and Camilla continues to this day .
12 The debate was a major exercise in the application of Marx 's framework to a non-European , late developing country , and continues to this day .
13 The massive amount of activity by developer builders after the mid-1960s , which continues to this day , can not be described as unplanned , given that it was carried out in relation to land-use planning and the provision of infrastructure .
14 This sad cycle of drought , deforestation and desertification continues to this day as the Sahara grows year by year .
15 He had been provoked — and it is well to remember that he was then , and continues to this day to be , happily married to a beautiful and supportive wife — into seeking to continue the deception by a personal statement in the Commons in which he averred that he was innocent of the allegations and a wronged man .
16 Her 1982 article , ‘ What Is Acid Rain Doing To Massachusetts ? ’ sparked offwide interest in a monitoring project at the University which continues to this day .
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