Example sentences of "to explain that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 This was generally interpreted as an American rejection of the proposal , though the White House fell over itself to explain that it was not .
2 She tried to explain that it was only the symptoms that had gone , and that now we had to tackle the causes .
3 Writing to his mother and father , he said he wanted to explain that it was n't extravagance that had led him to buy not one coat but two , and two pairs of trousers .
4 It would be a chance to see her on neutral ground , maybe even a chance to explain that it was n't his bloody fault that Laura had shown up at the door only seconds before she herself had .
5 ‘ They tried to explain that it was only sand and it was all a stunt , but it was lit up with radioactivity signs and we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously . ’
6 You remind me of bit , eh , you 're like a bit what Joanne 's like , except Joanne 's better at maths but she 's not very good at English , like when they were doing Animal Farm , I had to explain that it was a parody of the Russian revolution and everything and she just sat there with her mouth open .
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