Example sentences of "producing [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They were producing plans for expansion , Ed said .
2 Now that Tandy Corp has abandoned its plan to spin off its manufacturing arm as a separate company , the company is looking for buyers for three other manufacturing businesses : Memtek makes tapes and other products for Tandy stores under the Memorex brand name , the second is Lika , making circuit boards , the third is O'Sullivan Industries , which makes flatpack furniture ; Tandy will now keep 13 manufacturing units and three product engineering groups — factories devoted exclusively to producing products for Radio Shack will be folded back into Tandy , the company declared .
3 how far the review had been useful in producing proposals for change ;
4 Two thirds of Oxfordshire teachers consider that the scheme is useful in producing proposals for change in schools .
5 For primary schools the review is also more of a whole-school effort , is more thorough and more useful in terms of producing proposals for change than middle schools and secondary schools ( the least ) .
6 Teachers who claim to have been highly involved also claim to have used a wider variety of methods and feel more competent to conduct the review , believing it to have been more of a whole-school effort , more thorough and more useful in producing proposals for change .
7 Although two thirds of Oxfordshire teachers consider that the scheme has been useful in producing proposals for change in schools , the actual changes claimed are rather nebulous and a quarter of all teachers are unsure as to whether their review has led to any changes at all .
8 Significantly , given this generally positive response to the Oxfordshire scheme , it is perhaps surprising that only a fifth judge that it was very useful in producing proposals for improvements in educational practice : one of its prime purposes .
9 Teachers who see the scheme as useful in producing proposals for changes were again significantly positive in their attitudes whereas those not doing so were negative .
10 In both cases , the nineteenth century witnessed movements for the cultural identification and assertion of many of the subject peoples , without these inevitably producing demands for secession .
11 UFC has published a document setting out how the peer review process will work , with 50 panels of 8–10 experts producing ratings for activities across 72 subjects .
12 One possible outcome of this would be a working group to look at producing guidelines for certification .
13 Well , Her Ladyship was rather special because she was with me for many years and supported me by producing calves for market .
14 In the Richardson case , both parties develop and market computer programs used by pharmacists for the purpose of producing labels for prescriptions and stock control .
15 The exceptionally rich soil here was producing carrots for London by the end of the century when , perhaps , the trade was already long-established .
16 We advise groups or individuals that are producing work for publication to consult with others engaged in the same activity .
17 For example , oil is used as payment by oil producing countries for goods and services .
18 So long as the broad configuration of the economy remains capitalist , with enterprises producing commodities for profit , ‘ Industrial Democracy , is bound to function merely as a means of incorporating workers , representatives into a capitalistic rationality .
19 Despite the reduction of inflation to 12.9 per cent ( compared with a 1989 target of 15 per cent ) and a growth rate in 1989 which was expected narrowly to exceed population growth , the economy 's structure remained largely unchanged , particularly in agriculture , with a prominent division between estates producing commodities for export , and a peasant sector where successful farmers were in a tiny minority .
20 Three of the principal shareholders were already producing films for release at the time of Dustin 's signing , and unfortunately proving that artistic liberty was not synonymous with artistic quality .
21 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
22 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
23 Typically , the timetable will be suspended for a week or more and pupils will take responsibility for their own Mini-Enterprise , which may be based on producing goods for sale or providing services .
24 But the imperial powers also imposed taxes to force local people into producing goods for sale .
25 This has been a wine producing area for years and there are many ‘ heurigen ’ ( wine houses ) , with their ornately carved wooden gates leading through to shady courtyards and ‘ Flaschenwein ’ signs indicating that local wine is available .
26 This can be produced in less than 12 hours , when previously designing and producing molds for prototypes could have taken weeks , if not months .
27 Everybody producing music for sale to the public has the same problem : because making music costs money , selling product ( records , tapes and CDs ) is the only way to survive .
28 ‘ We are already producing sucralose for stock and have customers lined up who will be using it very , very quickly .
29 It mostly seems to involve producing food for animals to eat , whose excrement is then collected to assist the growth of more food for animals .
30 A seventy million pounds engine plant came on stream three years ago producing engines for Rover .
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