Example sentences of "carried her [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 How could they , she thought in sudden sentiment , and the anger carried her on to the next street .
2 Picking up the child , who was breathing in gulps like an oarsman at the end of a race , Thomas bent down to save her sculptures and carried her through to her mother .
3 Her carried her up to the solar and delivered her over to the care of his sister and Ellen , leaving her with a look in his blue eyes that clearly said later .
4 Shelley , already on her feet , carried her up to the medical centre with Carlos 's help .
5 He carried her over to the bench , kicked the dustbin-liner away and set her down gently .
6 The next February he awakened his bride from her melancholy sleep and carried her over to the window , where , on looking out , she saw the landscape covered in white .
7 He was reaching-for the blue directory when Anne came back with Abigail in her arms , so Adam took her and carried her back to bed himself and tucked her in and kissed her .
8 He got up , lifted her and carried her back to the bedroom despite her threats to do him a fatal injury if he did n't stop carting her about like a sack of old cabbages .
9 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
10 And the buzzard , who had been waiting hidden in the branches of- an oak tree , swooped down , picked her up as carefully as if she were made of rose petals , and carried her back to the forest .
11 The whooping and laughing boys carried her back to the village , her head dangling down from a branch slotted between her feet .
12 Without another word , he swung her up into his arms and carried her back to her blanket beneath the tree .
13 Then his hands came around her and gently he lifted her and carried her back to the bed .
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