Example sentences of "crucial [noun] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 The immediate effect is to remove food particles and freshen your breath , but the crucial function is the daily removal of plaque .
2 The crucial question is the meaning of the words ‘ the cost of a benefit is the amount of any expense incurred in or connection with its provision . ’
3 But whether the storehouse of information is DNA or RNA , the crucial question is the error rate on copying .
4 The crucial issue is the resourcing of community economic development ; therefore , we should be asking are the present resources adequate and fairly distributed ?
5 The crucial issue is the locality principle .
6 The crucial column is the derived total of offers made which can be compared with the maximum number to be made as a measure of the field 's fullness .
7 Also of crucial importance is the work to change attitudes especially among professionals .
8 The theoretical assumption here is that the family is the unit of social stratification , and the crucial factor is the occupation of its ‘ Head ’ .
9 Another crucial factor is the concentration of reactants ; in the case of a solution ( such as soil water ) reacting with a solid ( such as a rock ) this will be related to the surface area of contact between the water and the constituent minerals of the rock .
10 The crucial feature is the irrecoverable loss by a patient of the ability ever again to sustain his own breathing and heartbeat , as a consequence of the total destruction of a functioning brain-stem .
11 Note that the crucial date is the date on which the occupier quits , not the date on which the lease is expressed to expire .
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