Example sentences of "o'clock [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So Jozef Taczek will be waiting at seven o'clock for the exercise book and photo , will he ? ’ she asked finally .
2 An order came out from the Chief Constable : ‘ The following inspectors ( there were three of them — I was one ) and sergeants and men will parade at such-and-such a yard at Birkenhead at eleven o'clock for the launching of the Ark Royal .
3 Fourteen two , erm the great problem is it 's easier to get if an afternoon meeting can finish at a reasonable time , then I can probably but erm I think if you , if you 're looking at the clock when home in the evening for a number of reasons it might be then I would this and unless we can sort of put a restricted time on the agenda which is impossible , I can imagine coming down here at two o'clock for the meeting .
4 Imagine the Sun at the centre of a giant clock , with 6 o'clock as the direction of the Galactic centre .
5 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
6 Anthony returned soon after five o'clock with the news that there was no penicillin in the city at all , but that he had telephoned everyone he could think of who might supply it and had sent a telegram to UNRRA headquarters .
7 The arm swing which pulls the club into the hitting area becomes the release action , the transition point being at about ten o'clock with the club shaft position , although this will obviously vary from player to player .
8 ‘ She 'll be up at ten o'clock before the Justice . ’
9 And that was what he said , at one o'clock in the afternoon , in the smithy yard at Ballinluig .
10 This effect will be in addition to the daily changes in performance that are due to the body clock and which , therefore , would be predicted to peak between 4 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon .
11 for example , when it is 4 o'clock in the afternoon ( 1600 ) — in England , it is 11 o'clock in the morning ( 1100 ) in New York ( 5 time zones to the west ) , 8 o'clock in the morning ( 0800 ) in Los Angeles ( 8 time zones to the west ) , 8 o'clock in the evening ( 2000 ) in Abu Dhabi ( 4 time zones to the east ) , and midnight ( at the end of the day ) in Singapore ( 8 time zones to the east ) .
12 ‘ Whatever is the matter , my dear Alida , whatever is wrong at five o'clock in the afternoon ? ’
13 In Ireland , ‘ good morning ’ lasts until two o'clock in the afternoon , and then becomes ‘ good evening ’ until five , when ‘ good night ’ starts to set in .
14 .. When , at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon we rounded the last promontory which separated us from what was once the magnificent panorama of St Pierre , we suddenly perceived at the opposite extremity of the roadstead the Riviere Blanche with its crest of vapour , rushing madly into the sea .
15 ‘ About four o'clock in the afternoon . ’
16 At about four o'clock in the afternoon , just before dusk , we came to a wooded bluff .
17 An oyster catcher piped aboard a peach orange sunset all of three o'clock in the afternoon .
18 ‘ Three o'clock in the afternoon , if I remember rightly .
19 On a wet Wednesday in March 1987 , as part of a short survey - not scientifically conducted , but as part of a personal investigation into the cause of alienation among secondary age children — I found myself with a group of seven girls and one boy , between the ages of twelve and fifteen , at the Didcot Health Centre at four o'clock in the afternoon .
20 She sat there and about four o'clock in the afternoon the sister came round , ‘ I 'm sorry , Mrs Nicholson , we have n't got any transport , you 'll have to stop another night . ’
21 Say they started on a Monday at two o'clock in the afternoon , he or she will take them away for the first hour and go through some of the main points of their work here .
22 Just before five o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday , January 8th 1935 , in the gathering darkness , a Mrs. Ivy Thomas , wife of a farm worker from Dulverton , Somerset , and her four year-old son Robert John alighted from a train arriving at Dulverton Station from Tiverton on the Great Western Railway 's Exe Valley line .
23 Evenings represent maximum temptation for most slimmers , although around four o'clock in the afternoon , when the children come home from school , can be the worst time for many mothers who may be waiting until mid evening to dine with their husbands .
24 It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon when Malc pulled open the fire doors , left ajar on Sundays , at the back of the Aquarius Club in Chesterfield .
25 Assuming he could not afford the luxury of a high-speed post-chaise , William Charles may have taken one of the coaches which left the George in Frome for the Bell Sauvage in Ludgate Hill on Sundays , Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 o'clock in the afternoon .
26 It was two o'clock in the afternoon .
27 It is only two o'clock in the afternoon and already me and the boys have had more beer , sex , drugs and Nintendo than you 'll have all year , you sad f— !
28 Say three o'clock in the afternoon a fortnight today .
29 Peter Redburn was n't altogether surprised when , at five o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday 17 December , he opened the front door of 29 Champney Road and found James Salperton on the doorstep .
30 At one o'clock in the afternoon , eight hours after the first shots had been fired south of Charleroi , Sharpe met more cavalrymen ; this time a patrol in red-faced dark blue coats who thundered eagerly across a pasture to surround Sharpe and his two horses .
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