Example sentences of "doors [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With heavily armed gangs roaming the streets , the mixed Serb-Muslim population either hid behind locked doors or fled across the iron bridge over the River Drina , which forms the border .
2 Various depressed minions started to trickle in and just after seven-thirty , a man in a chef 's hat arrived through the doors that led to the kitchens , carrying an enormous silver tray which he laid in the centre of the table .
3 Oh , yes , she thought as she stabbed her sunglasses on to her nose , then flung open the doors that led to the garden , Nicolo Sabatini was catching up on his business , all right .
4 Muted sounds , and , once , a cry of pain , came from behind the closed doors that led off it on either side .
5 He paused by one of the radiators to warm his hands before approaching the doors that led into the infirmary .
6 Nicholson simply turned away from the great open doors that lay before him .
7 His ‘ act as if you own the place ’ approach seemed to work , and he made it to the double doors that opened into the main tunnel complex , not even pausing as he attached a circuit board to a second brick and casually tossed it into the heart of the pile of drums on the dock nearby .
8 Her bedroom is above the kitchen , with connecting doors that lead to her bathroom on the right and her wardrobe on the left .
9 Just knocked on doors and waited for people to answer .
10 Then she locked the door , bolted the garden doors and prepared for bed .
11 He ran out through the main doors and looked to his right and left .
12 Their report , ‘ Quality in Traditional Housing ’ , indicated that half the faults concerned the external walls , roofs , windows and doors and related to durability and performance .
13 In 1986 almost half the people aged over 85 , for example , were unable to go out of doors and walk down the road on their own , and almost a third were unable to manage stairs .
14 They were also an important link between agitation out of doors and influence within the walls of parliament .
15 The walls of the cottage were thick enough to shut out the worst sounds of the storm 's buffeting , and even the creaking of doors and rattling of windows could not keep me awake for long .
16 The clock in the hotel foyer showed the time as nine-fifteen as she pushed through the doors and walked through the patio .
17 She ran to the window and knew at once — from the way they shut the car doors and walked across the gravel — that Minty had died . ’
18 Their running was impeded by the mass of men coming out of the main doors and scattering in all directions , and heads down , they made their way between them to the back of the Naafi and into the rest room , which was empty ; and they were just in the process of taking off their wet top coats when the supervisor came in , saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm in luck ; I was about to send to the hut for help .
19 He leapt off a regular bus — the excellent airport service seems currently in abeyance , threw himself through the doors and yelled at me to hurry , which I did , and we caught the same bus back into town .
20 There are no cars in Venice — you 'll often see the locals coming out of their front doors and leaping into the boats tied up outside — and everything must be delivered by water .
21 Here the great house is not crumbling , as in Palladian , but has suffered the worse humiliation of being perverted into a preparatory school for boys : it is divided by baize doors and encircled by cinder paths .
22 It happened to be a goods ' entrance , and as she pushed open the heavy doors and slipped inside the deafening noise hit her — of hammering and drilling and the drone of the hydraulic pumps that operated the floor levels together with the shouts of the men operating the overhead cranes .
23 Chairman Dr. Alan Wilson warned of the ‘ tarmac cowboys , ’ contractors who knock at doors and offer to tarmac drives .
24 As he pushes through the swing doors and walks down the corridor towards his office , he can hear them spluttering with stifled laughter .
25 Feeling a little like I imagined a tomb-robber might feel , but knowing that my motives were of the very best , I relocked both doors and left without a backward glance .
26 His digital watch and the clock on the wall of the administration building foyer tallied at three precisely when Manville finally strolled in through the glass swing doors and headed for the reception desk .
27 Whatever he heard me say , some time later I was led out of the doors and taken to rooms they said were mine , as if they were pleased about it .
28 If your cabinets seem to be constantly overcrowded , open up all the doors and look at the contents with a critical eye .
29 ‘ Aberdeen crematorium is well run and efficient and it seemed natural to open our doors and explain to the public exactly what goes on during this most important ceremony . ’
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