Example sentences of "explanation for [det] [is] " in BNC.

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1 I would have thought the mo Without knowing anything about it I would have thought the most likely explanation for that is that that the property company who own the precinct have suggested to the Council that they would like to buy the Market Hall and the Council have been sitting on it and pondering it and some bright spark has come up with the idea , Yes you can buy the Market Hall if you also buy Pembroke Hall .
2 The most likely explanation for this is that the vehicle itself is not actually speeding up , but the cooling fan is !
3 One explanation for this is that the two bodies constituting Pluto were originally moons of Neptune , but that something tore them from the giant planet 's grasp — the converse of what is thought to have happened to Triton !
4 The explanation for this is , of course , quite simple .
5 Part of the explanation for this is that government spending tends to be planned over a number of years ( e.g. hospitals , schools , and other capital expenditures take several years to complete , and governments are reluctant to dismiss teachers , policemen , and other employees for short-term economic reasons ) ; consequently such expenditure tends to be fairly inflexible , especially downwards , in the short run .
6 The most obvious explanation for this is that during his years away from home , he would develop a large number of relatively weak ties : in such circumstances , the in-group alternant would cease to have any function for him and so could be abandoned .
7 In my opinion , the explanation for this is that until the vernal equinox ( 21 March ) the length of the day increases from north to south in the Northern Hemisphere .
8 The explanation for this is partly cultural — the legendary loyalty of the Japanese employees ( and bearing in mind that an estimated 75% of misuse in the West is carried out by insiders ) ; and partly technical — the current predominance of internal networks .
9 The explanation for this is simple .
10 A possible explanation for this is suggested by the secondary case study ( West , Chapter 3 in this volume ) where it was reported that there were indications that heads of departments and years tended to bear the brunt of the review activities .
11 The main reason is that most common polymers do not mix with one another to form homogeneous , one phase solutions or blends , and an explanation for this is to be found in the thermodynamics of solutions which have been outlined in the previous sections .
12 A straightforward explanation for this is that inflation affects all voters whereas unemployment tends to be heavily concentrated on ( as far as the UK is concerned ) areas not noted for extensive Conservative support .
13 The explanation for this is that an automatic car is not always immediately available and they are more expensive to produce .
14 A possible explanation for this is that the cycle is inherently explosive , as in our Example II , but is constrained within a band determined by an upper limit above which real output can not rise , called a ceiling and a lower limit below which real output will not fall , called a floor .
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