Example sentences of "intended [prep] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is intended to be a contribution to the history of style rather than of individual artists .
2 The handbook is intended to be a readable guide to the NHS for all those interested , whether health authority members , staff or members of the public .
3 TableCurve is intended to be a fast , one-pass curve-fitting program , with minimal user input .
4 The projected dividends were not intended to be a forecast .
5 The first National Government was not intended to be a coalition government in the normal sense of the term .
6 Yesterday 's event was intended to be a re-creation of the ‘ people power ’ uprising that swept Mrs Aquino to office .
7 Rather than some forbidding official document , his report consisted of a letter to me with the disclaimer that it was not intended to be a major addition to the already considerable library of the National Health Service .
8 The City Press is intended to be a well-informed , urbane commentary on people and events in the City of London — which are often more influential and important than their counterparts in Parliament . ’
9 Sensing this , the Coal Board struck what was intended to be a mortal blow — refusing to carry out the preventative works and offering us a mere £25,000 towards past damage which had been estimated at well over £100,000 .
10 It 'll be around 30 minutes long and is intended to be a trailer for their new full length video which will be released later this year [ Summer time ? ] .
11 The record , aptly renamed ‘ This Charming Man New York ’ , was originally intended to be a DJ pressing only but Rough Trade changed their minds and issued the offending article nationally .
12 The songs fell together in a muddy pool of short-sighted production : not a bad début album by any standards but this was intended to be a complete signal post in the history of popular music .
13 The film is intended to be a liberal and tolerant depiction of Blacks .
14 This one was the grandfather of Robert Louis Stevenson , who was himself intended to be a lighthouse engineer like his grandfather , his father and his uncle , until circumstances made him an author instead . )
15 One forgot in the early enthusiasm that the rotors had never been intended to be a ship 's prime movers , too much was expected of them .
16 The C65 was intended to be a low-cost computer with better technical specifications than , but still compatible with , the C64 .
17 Both brushes and foam can also take on a partial biofiltering role , but if they are intended to be a mechanical filter , they should be cleaned before they clog .
18 ‘ This is intended to be a very personal , intimate guitar , ’ explains Andy .
19 Any symptom or illness is intended to be a source of growth .
20 As delivered , Nos. 36–45 and 56–60 were mounted on Mountain & Gibson 7 ft. 6 in. 21EM trucks , which were intended to be a copy of the Brill 21E design in defiance of American patents .
21 The example auditors ' reports given in the exposure draft are unlikely to help narrow the expectations gap because they do not include references to the inherent limitations of financial reporting and , in particular , to the need to recognise that the balance sheet is not intended to be a statement of a company 's net worth and that there can not be a guarantee that the company will survive as a going concern .
22 the balance sheet is not intended to be a statement of the company 's net worth ;
23 The Independent Companies were intended to be a ship-based force slipping ashore to harass German communications and cut the supply line of Swedish ore , but they often fought as infantry because the Allies had no other troops available ; an unavoidable reason for deploying special forces in this role in Norway .
24 Oral examinations are intended to be a cross examination of the severest kind and your debtor will be required to bring his books , papers and documents into court with him .
25 The community charge was intended to be a simple and visible system of raising revenue in which the behaviour of profligate ( assumed to be Labour ) councils would be evident to the electorate .
26 While working on the new opera , Don Giovanni , he also completed two string quintets , K.515 in C and K.516 in G minor — one of his greatest works in that key ; the Violin Sonata in A , K.526 ; and two small-scale ‘ divertimento-style ’ pieces , the exquisite serenade Eine Kleine Nachtmusik , and its antithesis , Ein musikalischer Späss ( A Musical Joke ) , which , in its wealth of wrong notes and inept harmonies , is obviously intended to be a satire on incompetent composers .
27 The break was intended to be a long one , possibly a year or two .
28 It is not intended to be a substitute for discussion with medical staff and we recommend that where possible you also talk to your doctor about your treatment wishes .
29 As part of the Guild of St George it was intended to be a means of bringing craftsmen into contact with works of art , especially of the Middle Ages , early Italian Renaissance and Gothic revival , and with objects of natural beauty .
30 In the field of architecture , what the publishers describe as ‘ a monumental new series ’ , Buildings of the United States , is intended to be a sort of Pevsner to that country .
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