Example sentences of "tradition [verb] it that " in BNC.

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1 Tradition has it that in times past people brought their sick and weary to the shores of the loch , certain of its curative properties .
2 A persistent tradition has it that ancestors of America 's second presidential family , the Adams , originally came from the village of FLORE .
3 Tradition has it that the infliction was brought to the village in a parcel of clothing sent to a local family , the Beevers , one of whose members had died from the plague in London .
4 Tradition has it that , after King Ladislau lost the Battle of Varna in 1414 , he vowed to make a pilgrimage around the world armed as a Knight of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai .
5 Tradition has it that the first fenoderee was actually a handsome prince from the proud fairy tribe of the Ferrishyn .
6 Tradition has it that he was one of King Henry VIII 's forest wardens .
7 Another tradition has it that the knockers are afraid of the sign of the cross , an idea which probably stems from the legend which says that knockers are the GHOSTS of the Jews who took part in the crucifixion of Jesus and were punished by being sent to work in the mines .
8 Flying over Spirit Bay near there , where the Tasman Sea meets the Pacific Ocean , and where Maori tradition has it that the spirits of the dead depart New Zealand for their Polynesian resting place , was a haunting experience .
9 Maori tradition has it that these words were spoken by chief Ngatoroirangi when he first arrived in New Zealand from Polynesia in the great Arawa canoe : I arrive where unknown earth is under my feet ; I arrive where a new sky is above me .
10 Tradition has it that at the cremation of Gautama Buddha in India in 543 BC the tooth survived the flames and was brought to Kandy in the fourth century AD .
11 The gypsy clan to which he belonged was ruled by a chief , or ‘ king ’ , called Isaac Miller ; tradition has it that Billy stabbed Miller to death and assumed the kingship in his place .
12 Tradition has it that St Kentigern founded his cathedral at Glasgow in the late 6th century within a burial ground that had earlier been founded by St Ninian but never used .
13 Tradition had it that if the corn-dolly reached the following year 's harvest intact , it augured well for the farm in the year to come .
14 It was the very symbol of wealth , and yet tradition had it that when the fish swam up-river in great numbers it was a harbinger of social unrest .
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