Example sentences of "belief was [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It took as long again for their theories to be discredited , despite the fact that almost none of their Hollywood idols would agree that they were the sole auteur of the films they made ; while the greatest weakness of their belief was that the most flawed work by one of their preferred film-makers was of more interest than a major piece by one of those they did not rate .
2 The belief was that the energetic motion of the ions and electrons in the ionised gas , the plasma , would soon destroy any polarisation .
3 As to the judiciary , the prevailing Home Office belief was that the need was simply to get the judges to grasp the facts , revealed by criminological research and the experience of the prison and probation services , about the suitability of various sorts of offenders for the different forms and lengths of sentence which were at their disposal .
4 In Germany , where Hertz had discovered the radio waves in accordance with Maxwell 's theory of the electromagnetic field , and where in 1895–7 W. K. Röntgen ( using a Crookes tube to generate cathode rays ) had discovered X-rays , the general belief was that the cathode rays would also turn out to be a form of wave in the ether .
5 It is worth noting , however , that Richards 's concept of poetry is similar to that which we have encountered in the previous two chapters , in that poetry for him is simply shorthand for literature that has aesthetic value ; his belief was that the value of literature as a whole lay entirely in its use of the emotive function of language .
6 Staff at the BBC seemed far from happy with the outcome , but the belief was that the row will die down as management concentrates on the market-oriented reforms being ushered in .
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