Example sentences of "to stop [conj] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To this end the police may arrest without a warrant for a breach of the peace and , as a general rule , they may enter private premises without a warrant in order to stop or prevent a breach of the peace if they have reason to suspect that this may occur .
2 Furthermore , landlords and managing agents were said to use a range of ‘ sharp practices ’ to circumvent the law or to stop or reduce the likelihood of tenants taking legal action .
3 Lord Owen said the two had agreed to stop or limit the fighting .
4 And did they have to stop and change the horses ?
5 Force of habit compelled her to stop and straighten the quilt .
6 It also allows a helping and an inhibiting hand , or enzyme , to stop and start the processes .
7 This makes it easier to stop and start the video exactly when you want to .
8 For him there is not yet time to stop and smell the flowers .
9 It is therefore a moving thought that the rivermen were among the first people in the modern countryside business to begin to stop and think a little harder about what they were actually doing .
10 ‘ I suppose some people must have been annoyed , but most tended to stop and watch the filming instead , ’ Mrs Shapland said .
11 At the present time the best days to walk around Funchal are Saturday and Sunday when it is much quieter and you will have the chance to stop and view the buildings and doorways , many of which have interesting detail .
12 He smiles , waves , is clearly over-worked , over-stretched , in a hurry , but glad to stop and pass the time of day helped by our Czech phrase book and my appalling German .
13 Before it was built we were very much under stress , because the church where we recorded was on a flight-path into Berlin , so we sometimes had to stop and re-record a passage five or six times before we got it right .
14 When the weather turns on you like that , you do n't have time to stop and curse the fact you 're missing the view .
15 He 's charged with causing death by dangerous driving , failing to stop and report an accident and driving with excess alcohol .
16 Mark Whereat , who 's 26 and from Gloucester , was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and failing to stop and report an accident .
17 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
18 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
19 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
20 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
21 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
22 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
23 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
24 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
25 Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident .
26 This is to imply to a bystander that the biker is an athlete in training , with no time to stop and take a drink in a punishing schedule .
27 A fail-safe system triggered a red signal , giving the driver of the train time to stop and remove the obstacle .
28 There they have been exploiting the advantages of low pollution , the ability to stop and restart every few hours — sorry , every few yards — and electric cars may be introduced as much for their ability to produce low pollution , low noise , and as petrol becomes more expensive and electric cars become more widespread and better engineered and more efficient and cheaper , and more socially acceptable , then I think we will see electric cars .
29 It 's hard work building a nest , but there s still time to stop and share a tit bit .
30 I have to stop and let a long line of trolleys go by .
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