Example sentences of "fingers and [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 Aggie turned her head slightly away , took up the knife that was lying to the side of her plate , cut a piece of meat in two , then picked it up with her fingers and ate it ; then she turned to the child and said , ‘ What 's your second name ? ’
2 Siegfried carefully lifted the thing , shook the milk from his fingers and studied it with interest .
3 He rolled it between two fingers and tapped it on a thumbnail and generally fondled it as I knew he would for a good five minutes before lighting it .
4 Silently he took the notebook from her nerveless fingers and dropped it on the floor .
5 Mother licked cream from the ice-cave interior of the meringue , then broke off part of the superstructure with her fingers and popped it into her mouth .
6 Then she was aware of my gaze , glanced away , blew a puff of air upwards at her face , pinched the T-shirt between her fingers and flapped it for draught .
7 With a lunge , he grabbed the bag from between her fingers and flung it across the parquet , where it landed with a thump before skidding to rest beneath a radiator , then before she could react to such a flare of violence he was reaching out for her , dragging her into his embrace , his lips ravening hungrily over her own with a fever of desire that sent shock waves of fear and desire quivering through her .
8 ‘ This crap , ’ Laura took the book from Rex 's fingers and struck it with the back of her hand .
9 The choice was taken from her when a gust of wind suddenly snatched the door from her fingers and slammed it tight shut .
10 With a lifetime of practice behind him he rolled a passable cigarette in his fingers and lit it .
11 Pausing for the effect to register , Vic took the apex of the handkerchief between two fingers and drew it upwards delicately , laying bare a fist holding a green creature with bulging eyes .
12 She pulled it out of the pad with shaking fingers and tore it across and across again until it was a pile of tiny white flakes all over her bed .
13 Holly took the bread and tugged it between his fingers and wolfed it to his mouth .
14 He smoothed the paper with his fingers and gave it to her .
15 She took it in shaking fingers and pulled it on , immediately feeling very closed in by the visor .
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