Example sentences of "increased [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The plasma gastrin concentrations in the various groups increased in the same order of magnitude as expected from the gastrin dose given .
2 Therefore , those powers can not be increased without the same process and amendment of the treaties .
3 Extra-judicial killings by the security forces increased over the same period .
4 This is not the result of patients being ‘ switched ’ into a different mental health category since the incidence of other types of illness has not increased over the same period .
5 By contrast , palaeontology had increased over the same periods , from 14 to 25 , not quite doubling .
6 Operating system revenues were up $1.8m to $61.7m , though revenue growth has not increased at the same rate as unit volumes shipped because of volume discount schedules .
7 And I was fortunate that my scientific reputation increased at the same time that my disability got worse .
8 A spokesman for the Housing Executive said : ‘ While building costs have increased the tender price has not increased at the same rate .
9 This means that your sum insured has been increased by the same percentage as the rise in the Building Housing Cost Index ( prepared by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ) in the twelve months before your renewal date .
10 Your sum insured has been increased by the same percentage as the rise in the Durable Household Goods Section of the Government 's General Index of Retail Prices in the twelve months before your renewal date .
11 Intrinsic water-use efficiency , defined as the ratio of leaf photosynthesis or net assimilation ( A ) to stomatal conductance to water vapour ( g ) , increased by the same ( oats and mustard ) or nearly the same ( wheat ) relative amount as did [ CO 2 ] , a consequence of conservative c i /c a in these C3 species ( Fig. 3 ) .
12 But the c i and biomass/plant of C3 annuals increased by the same ratio as [ CO 2 ] , indicating that much of the CO 2 -induced increase in A/g ( and WUE ) was realized as higher A and ultimately as greater plant biomass ( Fig. 4 ) .
13 Since the insertion of the dielectric increased the surface charge density on the plates by a factor with the voltage remaining unchanged , we may conclude that the capacitance has also increased by the same factor , yielding
14 Indeed , according to Hamnett and Williams ( 1980 ) , gentrification or ‘ Chelseafication ’ was already proceeding rapidly in London during the 1970s — to the extent that the proportion of professional , managerial and intermediate non-manual workers in Inner London 's population increased by the same amount as for Greater London as a whole ( Hamnett , 1986 ) .
15 In this deformation all quantities dX become increased by the same factor — -1 ) .
16 If central government cuts taxes , so that the income of a representative individual increased by the same amount , the increase in local spending should be identical .
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