Example sentences of "stopped and [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Cameron made him uneasy with his dark , closed look , the way he stopped and thought silently before he answered you .
2 He stopped and walked forward .
3 Philip thought he must have seen him but he had n't , because he stopped and whistled again , looking up towards the cliffs .
4 Athelstan stopped and stared hard at the coroner .
5 She trotted along to the kitchen , but when she reached it , she stopped and listened carefully before opening the door .
6 At the lip he stopped and hung there , assessing the upward view for what seemed like an age .
7 He stopped and glanced across at her .
8 She stopped and glanced quickly at Edward .
9 Then , just ten feet below the fox and some seventy feet from the ground , he stopped and clung tightly as the pole swayed in the wind .
10 At the entrance , just near the gatehouse door , Cranston stopped and knocked hard at an iron-studded door .
11 But just as Jesus and the following crowd passed under Zacchaeus ' perch , Jesus stopped and looked straight up at him .
12 ’ Glastonbury stopped and looked worriedly at Pooley .
13 he stopped and looked blankly at my battle-dress , ‘ Are you an officer ? ’ he asked quickly .
14 She was borne away from the lights , and on the stretch of darker pavement , she stopped and looked all round .
15 She stopped and gazed intently down .
16 I stopped and slumped dazedly back on my heels , facing utter defeat .
17 Her voice was shaking badly so she stopped and swallowed once more and bravely went on , ‘ I have behaved like a child , a stupid , ignorant child , but I never intended it .
18 The train jolted and stopped and started again and jolted .
19 Dusk deepened until I could no longer see ten yards ahead , and after I 'd knocked the shaft of the arrow against an unseen hazard twice within a minute I stopped and sank slowly down to my knees , resting my forehead and the front of my left shoulder against a young birch trunk , drained as I 'd never been before .
20 When he had ventured some distance into the forest , Little Billy stopped and stood quite still , listening .
21 Gareth took a step or two after them and I called him in an explosive croak , ‘ Gareth , ’ and he stopped and turned immediately and came back , bending down .
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