Example sentences of "feeling [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " Poor Miss Poraway , " Quentin said as they washed the tea dishes , and Lavinia — not feeling agreeably disposed towards Miss Poraway — did not say anything .
2 Anyway , here arose Bob Mould and his Hüsker Dü cohorts who , feeling somewhat constrained by the borders of Hardcore Punk , kicked over the checkpoints and ran amok in the pleasant valleys of Perfect Pop , put its weedy , grinning aristocracy to the sword and stole all their clothes .
3 A moment later , I spotted the young Mr Cardinal not far away , still standing on his own , and it struck me the young gentleman might be feeling somewhat overawed in the present company .
4 Still half asleep he smiled indulgently , scenting a victory , since he had wanted to be generous all day and had been feeling mildly irritated with her for not giving him the opportunity .
5 Moreover , Wagner has a sphere of feeling totally hidden from O. Jahn , one of those " wholesome provincials " , to whom the Tannhäuser saga and the Lohengrin atmosphere are a closed world .
6 When she was about three months pregnant , and feeling totally rejected by everyone , she got into a very depressed state , staying in her room for several days without moving , wondering if this was what it was like to be dead .
7 By then she was simply too weary to think clearly , feeling totally overwhelmed by the spontaneous display of affection from the patriotic crowd .
8 This 'll be a new experience , ’ she murmured , feeling slightly hypnotised by the moonlight , by their solitude , by his cool , sincere voice .
9 Having spent 7 years mastering the fine art of playing the violin , Bernard , feeling creatively stifled by ‘ middle aged people telling me what I was doing wrong ’ , chose to change his instrument after hearing Johnny Marr on the first Smiths records .
10 After that , there 'd been a bit of a void between floundering furiously in the deep waters of the Mediterranean — her denims weighing her down and her bikini-top , evidently not refastened securely enough , doing a treacherous disappearing act — and being hauled into strong male arms , dragged aboard a strange boat , then deposited on a plush banquette seat , feeling decidedly under-dressed for the occasion …
11 Shortly , she needed a pee , and had one , feeling strangely comforted by the act .
12 Community feeling in the area as monitored by Ahlbrandt was low , with barely more than one half of interviewees accepting the neighbourhood as a good or excellent place to live and two-thirds ( almost 20 per cent below the percentage for Allegheny West ) feeling strongly attached to it .
13 Feeling almost overwhelmed by their hostess 's kind welcome , Laura sank down into a wide , soft couch , looking about her as Carole bustled off to fetch a cool drink .
14 Mostly it came over as a matter of feeling hard done by — self-pity rather than bravado ; or a habitual , weary tinkering to save a bit here and there .
15 Erm , and then I just thought I 'd finally conclude a bright , cos I think it , it 's like how I see myself at work , erm with showing you where our work comes from erm and basically you 've got all these arrows coming in and er sometimes you do have a sense of feeling quite bombarded with requests for work , but the main , I mean the main formal source of our work is the local government sub committee , which is erm , like Mary was referring to earlier , every department or unit in our in the Council have to formally report and get it 's work through by a Council committee , our committee is the local government sub committee and it formally sets our work programme once a year , and I our priorities , it also comes up with other things it would like us to do by the way , during the course of the year , so erm , that includes Mary as well . .
16 They left her feeling completely enclosed in a warm glow of attention and to Moran 's repeated questions over the next days were able to say genuinely how much they liked her .
17 ‘ Pet Sounds ’ was all of that : big fluffy clouds of studio-driven glory and a mass of dreamy , angsty impressions about falling in love and growing up and feeling extraordinarily sensitised about life 's rich business .
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