Example sentences of "king ['s] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Baldwin did not get the King 's message until he arrived at the Travellers ' Club for lunch .
2 ‘ I have already heard , ’ said Julian , ‘ how in the council of last November you spoke for a parley with the Lord Owen , and told the king 's ministers that he would be willing to talk peace .
3 Addressed to the archbishop and all the prelates assembled at Lambeth , it commanded them , on their oaths of fealty , to do all that they could for the defence and conservation of the king 's rights and of his realm ; it then continued :
4 The Royal bedroom in each car occupied roughly one-third of the car 's length , and communicated with a spacious bathroom fitted with a full-sized bath ; adjacent to the bathrooms were small sleeping compartments for the King 's valet and the Queen 's maid respectively .
5 There was a local tradition that Gloucester and the Stanleys came to blows over the division of authority , and their continuing rivalry may lie behind a royal command in 1476 that the tenants of Congleton should attend ‘ only upon the king 's highness and in his absence upon the lord Stanley ’ .
6 There was a local tradition that Gloucester and the Stanleys came to blows over the division of authority , and their continuing rivalry may lie behind a royal command in 1476 that the tenants of Congleton should attend ‘ only upon the king 's highness and in his absence upon the lord Stanley ’ .
7 They described the King 's surprise and frustration , for usually the Pope made little difficulty over the annulment of royal marriages .
8 The secular cleric had the further advantage from the king 's standpoint that he was strictly a life-tenant , unable to transmit his abbacy to a legitimate heir .
9 The relatives of the 61 men who had vanished lobbied ministers and the King 's sister and brother .
10 Bruce 's forces were defeated first in Methven wood by the English , and then beside Loch Tay by Comyn 's uncle , the Lord of Lorn The king 's sister and the Countess of Buchan who had crowned him were dragged out of sanctuary where they had been sent for safety , and exhibited in cages hanging from castle walls at Roxburgh and Berwick .
11 The likes of the King 's Quest and Police Quest series , with stunning graphics and fabulous sound ( via MPC compatible sound cards , of course ) show what the PC is capable of in terms of leisure .
12 While the clergy successfully defended their claim to be taxed in convocation and not in parliament , this really made little difference to the king 's income or , indeed , to the vulnerability of the clergy before his demands .
13 The law of treason is directed against aiding the King 's enemies and against sedition from within .
14 In Alcuin 's opinion , part of Eanbald 's trouble arose because he received the king 's enemies and protected their possessions and because he was involved in seizing the lands of others .
15 BUT all the activities centred on Mosely and King 's Heath and we all know that our Birmingham Central Branch covers B5 , B10–14 and B25 !
16 He also left £1,000 to the King 's Heath and Moseley Institute .
17 In this class of cases redress was given in the Middle Ages sometimes by the King 's Council and sometimes by the Chancellor .
18 It was enacted that offenders were to be brought before a member of the King 's Council or a Justice of the Peace for examination ; hunting in disguise or by night , and wilful concealment of such offences were to be punished as felonies — that is , by death and forfeiture of property .
19 Other data cover King 's Hall and Trinity College , Cambridge , Norwich , Croyland Abbey , Dover and the records of the building of London Bridge .
20 The event is being held at the King 's Hall and includes wines from Italy , Spain , Germany , France and the United States .
21 With the King 's acquiescence and in total contravention of the monarchy 's constitution , Primo de Rivera proceeded to establish a dictatorship .
22 Maurice Fermoy became the Conservative Member of Parliament for King 's Lynn while his Scottish wife , who gave up a promising career as a concert pianist to marry , founded the King 's Lynn Festival for Arts and Music which , since its inception in 1951 , has attracted world renowned musicians such as Sir John Barbirolli and Yehudi Menuhin .
23 In the South East the unlikely towns of King 's Lynn and Eastbourne were evidently strongholds of the strike while Aldershot , Maidstone , Dorking , Lowestoft and Yarmouth displayed only lukewarm interest .
24 Had it been accepted , the District would have been confined to only three centres in Norfolk — Norwich , Great Yarmouth and King 's Lynn and would have withdrawn from at least ten other centres at which WEA branches had existed , some from the early twenties .
25 He was able to satisfy Royalist investigators that an out-payment which he had made in connection with the king 's trial and execution had simply been a routine matter , in no way implicating him in the actual regicide .
26 On 23 December 1648 he joined the committee for proceedings against the king , the first of the Commons committees which laid the groundwork for the king 's trial and execution .
27 Their eldest son , Gregory , died in 1652 , shortly before his father ; the younger , Henry , was disinherited because of his opposition to the king 's trial and execution .
28 When that failed he refused to approve the king 's trial and execution .
29 no longer confined to persons who speak the King 's English or who come under the direct influence of the great writers ; the continuity of our literary and linguistic heritage is threatened by the far-reaching influence of the half educated …
30 proprietor of the King 's Arms and Royal Hotel , Lancaster .
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