Example sentences of "look [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll look after it for you until you 're back . ’
2 Because we ca n't just accept that , that manufacturers will look after it for us , because as you 've , already said by the Chief , they 'll move the factory where it
3 Please could you look into it as a matter of urgency .
4 and I 'll certainly look into it for you
5 It was too close to Christmas to bother about embarking on any sort of adult education before it , so I pacified Toby by saying I 'd got plenty of time and would look into it after the New Year , and we settled down to wallow in being together and getting into the Christmas spirit .
6 ‘ If you were a true Christian , Ella , you would look upon it as a new beginning . ’
7 Rather than treat the indenting of the first line of a paragraph as simply some cosmetic device , as Longacre ( 1979 ) does , we might look upon it as an indication by a writer of what he intends us to treat as the beginning of a new part of his text .
8 ‘ If I play tonight and put in a solid performance , hopefully he would n't look upon it as me doing a job just for one game . ’
9 ‘ If I play tonight and put in a solid performance , hopefully he would n't look upon it as me doing a job just for one game . ’
10 Should we look to it for a pool of inventive talent that actively embodied novelty in its products , and thereby provided pressure for technical change among its customers ; or rather , for provision of engineering skills that responded passively to the demands made upon it by the inventiveness of its clients consumer industries and civil engineers ?
11 Balanced with a diet of the gospels , I would look on it as the church planters ' manual .
12 He rubbed his chin absently on the top of Tessa 's head , so that he could look over it at the girl .
13 Let's look at it as refreshment before the battle . ’
14 If it is your first work of fiction , you should also look at it as part of your groundwork which although it may never see the light of publication , is of great benefit to you as a writer .
15 You 've got ta look at it as an ongoing er on an ongoing problem but erm you , you could 've perhaps have gone into it a little bit more then just to find out erm there was also a mention of , of an income rise in the spring
16 It i do n't look at it as school
17 His Metropole is a Cathedral of such awe- inspiring magnificence that no one can look at it without feeling he is in the presence of a concept beyond human scale .
18 So I 'm inclined to sort of look at it under those , er , within those distances and is there any descent with er Mr 's analysis of his sectors , that they would fit within that er , those general distances ?
19 M. B. On Dock Duty , you 'd stand all night and not see a soul and the Liver Building up there with the clock gradually going round and you 'd think : ‘ I wo n't look at it , I wo n't look at it at all . ’
20 The NAO did , however , look at it at my request .
21 Well I think you can look at it on two levels and one , one reason is to change the Party structure shake them up a bit , cos there 's , there 's evidence that they were erm you know moving to the right and allying with er rich peasants and landlords , and the other , on the level is actually having a policy which would get mass support and this obviously would require incentives in the form of land to peasants .
22 When you 've finished writing , put it away for two or three days : leave it , do n't look at it for a while .
23 Are you like Oscar Wilde , who said , ‘ I love work , I can sit and look at it for hours ’ ?
24 Would you look at it for me , doctor ? "
25 Indeed on being presented with a picture , pupils may look at it for only a very short time and give only the most cursory replies when questioned about various features .
26 The party had become a turning-point in many ways ; now , weeks later , she could look at it with a certain amount of dispassion , view her life over the past few months with a critical eye .
27 So we gon na look at it in simple form first , things like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and carbonates and then build up erm I think , no .
28 ‘ I saw him look at it in the car when we were driving to the Lubianka .
29 He thinks we 'll look at it in a different light .
30 I think what what you 're really saying though , is that it 's probably a mistake to actually look at it in terms of a number of days .
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