Example sentences of "couple [prep] years [adv] " in BNC.

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1 See him a couple of years anyway .
2 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
3 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
4 He was agreeably surprised to find one from a friend who had joined the Mounties a couple of years previously .
5 Only the queen of the social columns , recruited a couple of years previously from Calgary , sat calmly at her desk , her silver-tipped fingers delicately feeling the pulse of the city 's social life .
6 By 1953 , the refusal that such dressiness displayed had spread to a hitherto unexpected and unexplained location : the working-class boys and girls who , congregating around various London centres , had assumed what had been up until a couple of years previously a homosexual style , the Edwardian Look .
7 A couple of years previously a letter had been sent to Keswick suggesting as much .
8 Eva sang and Margaret watched , filled with admiration for the sister who was only a couple of years ahead of her in age but light years away in confidence .
9 ‘ But I would n't mind taking a couple of years just sitting round the house and reading , ’ the 43-year-old actor , who is married to Cindy Crawford , told Oprah Winfrey on American TV yesterday .
10 We ca n't go round sacking our leaders every couple of years just because the voters do n't like them , can we ?
11 ‘ There were problems in the past with the way the fund was run , but when I took over a couple of years ago we took a very long look at our accounting system and put matters right .
12 A COUPLE of years ago , a rumour swept Oxford that the National Front was to have a stall at the Freshers ' Fair .
13 Kissin , aged 18 , came to prominence a couple of years ago when he appeared to great acclaim at the Berlin Festival .
14 If the girls do not appear to have an even average awareness of culture — a friend said that a couple of years ago Zsuzsa had never heard of
15 A lengthy illness prevented her from appearing on Alice Faye 's ‘ This Is Your Life ’ tribute a couple of years ago .
16 This is equivalent to five days ' trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange , 2.5 times more than a couple of years ago .
17 A couple of years ago this would have sounded like fiction ; soon it may be fact .
18 Dead lucky you were getting in free to see the Olympic Games a couple of years ago . ’
19 ‘ I went for the Enterprise Allowance a couple of years ago , ’ says London graphic designer Trevor Jackson , 22 .
20 I read it to you in bed , a couple of years ago , or maybe longer .
21 A couple of years ago he wrote to several of our authors saying that he was dying , their work meant a lot to him , could they write something for him .
22 I suspect he would have been rewarded by now had a private conversation of his on a car telephone not been picked up and leaked a couple of years ago .
23 A couple of years ago this kind of scenario seemed plausible to thousands of people who committed themselves to self-build co-operatives .
24 On the verge of bankruptcy a couple of years ago , Hannibal was rescued by an American company in a deal which left Boyd in charge as manager of the label .
25 Did n't I take that photograph in the street for you , a couple of years ago ? ’
26 His latest personal explorative project began a couple of years ago .
27 I remember a couple of years ago , Curtis Strange asking Arnold when he considered was the best he ever played .
28 Up until a couple of years ago his name had been Peter Manstead .
29 CALLAHAN : A couple of years ago , Potter was the hottest guy on the North Shore .
30 During a flying visit to London a couple of years ago , Lovins was heard to declare that his wife 's next project was ‘ to translate Soft Energy Paths into English ’ .
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