Example sentences of "teachers and [noun pl] have " in BNC.

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1 However , appropriate teachers and materials had to be found ; neither were easily forthcoming .
2 The last group were reported by teachers and mothers to have the fewest emotional problems and highest self-esteem of the three groups .
3 Teachers and lecturers have always asked the question , ‘ How can I learn from my students ’ performance ? ’
4 The majority of members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers have voted to take industrial action over their workload .
5 Social studies teachers and departments have been placed in the vanguard of progressive teaching , ostensibly because social studies is seen as a context in which individuals can develop their consciousness and understanding of society .
6 That is one of the reasons that teachers and priests have welcomed ‘ Here I Am ’ .
7 e ) Groups of teachers and employers have worked on issues relating to recruitment tests .
8 The tightening control of schools by politicians ( of right , left and centre ) was made easier to achieve because teachers and parents had made schools more open , more community conscious .
9 Widlake documents project after project in which teachers and parents have worked well together .
10 Teachers and parents have come to realise that the education of children is a joint responsibility , particularly as children are at school for such a small proportion of their waking lives .
11 Now teachers and parents have got together to start a toy library for blind and partially sighted children .
12 The Tesdale teachers and parents have asked Abingdon MP John Patten for help .
13 Both teachers and entrepreneurs have to speculate about the impact of microprocessors on society .
14 As a child it had been embarrassing and as both teachers and playmates had looked askance at the familiarity she 'd reverted to the ubiquitous ‘ Mum ’ in their presence , but woe betide her if she had lapsed into this form of address in Margaret 's presence !
15 ‘ If only his teachers and psychologists had identified his problems earlier on , we could have saved him years of anguish , ’ his father said .
16 As the evaluation of both the Major and Minor Projects shows , teachers in project schools did argue with force that the use made of the library by both teachers and pupils had increased in volume and changed in kind .
17 Looking back at 4 , we might surmise that teachers and pupils have a shared schema for the progress and structure of a school lesson and their roles and responses to possible events .
18 For evaluation to be carried out constructively , it is vital that evaluators , teachers and pupils have some shared understanding of what they are trying to achieve .
19 Teachers and pupils have condemned builders who 've felled a line of trees next to their school grounds .
20 One or two teachers and tutors had inspired her .
21 In many countries teachers and academics have been at the forefront of the fight for justice , democracy , trade union and human rights — the Pro-Democracy movements in China , South Korea and Myanmar have all been led by students and academics — and they have suffered for their non-violent dissent .
22 Hundreds of teachers and academics have been murdered , the UES has been closed down on a number of occasions by the army and the UCA subjected to bomb attacks .
23 As indicated above the teachers and schools have no control over the criteria and methods , nor indeed the report .
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