Example sentences of "teachers ['s] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 When the academies opened their doors to women in 1919 the association changed its curriculum to offer preparatory courses , the drawing teachers ' course was closed and for a while they placed emphasis on the trade-oriented forms , like book-binding which was also started later at the state school .
2 So the influence on teachers ' attitudes is probably greater than any immediate action taken as a result of analysing one child 's miscues .
3 A fifteen-day teachers ' strike in September 1989 , supported by other workers , reflected some of these economic and professional concerns , though the Costa Rican teachers ' union is not considered militant .
4 On May 28 four people were killed when a demonstration in Freetown by students in support of teachers ' demands was broken up by police after a police station had been stoned ; earlier a meeting attempting to establish an independent teachers ' union was also broken up by the authorities .
5 They felt that there were some fundamental problems within the education system on the islands , problems that the official teachers ' union were failing to redress .
6 The index linking of teachers ' pensions is actually that 's actually met by the government and not the teachers ' superannuation fund .
7 The first two training colleges also had schools for deaf children attached to them , and teachers ' certificates were awarded to students who taught on the oral system to the exclusion of any other method .
8 If teachers are to be expected to put the policy into practice , head teachers must ensure that teachers ' views are taken into account , as well as those of the governors — with whose general statement of principles on discipline within the school the head is legally obliged to comply .
9 The teachers ' views were sought on the relevance and importance of each section of the Cockcroft foundation list .
10 Teachers ' stress is different : it is ‘ fuzzy stress ’ , where the rules and the returns are shadowy and ambiguous , and where debilitation is not regularly punctuated with bursts of exhilaration and satisfaction .
11 The most interesting aspect of the teachers ' response is their unwillingness to admit to any change of attitude or practice as a result of GIST .
12 The fact that there may indeed be real risks attached to opening up and talking from the heart is not in dispute , just as the limitations on teachers ' freedom are very real .
13 design jobs and allocate duties such that teachers ' skills are better matched to the demands on them ;
14 Once we recognize how far classroom competence has its roots in status and recognition , how closely the different elements of teachers ' lives are tied together in a coherent structure of meaning and motivation , then the policy implications lead us not to personality-based initiatives or more careful selection , compulsory redundancy to remove ‘ incompetents ’ from the profession , or redeployment and encouraging early retirement , but to strategies which will improve the levels of reward and recognition in the system in terms of pay , planning time , in-service opportunity and the like , and in terms of positive ( not punitive ) systems of staff support and development .
15 Teachers ' pay is up 30 per cent in real terms since 1979 .
16 Teachers ' pay is heavily in arrears and members of ANDES have been blacklisted and are unable to find work .
17 In Zimbabwe , black teachers ' pay was increased at independence to the levels paid to white teachers .
18 Committees for negotiations on teachers ' pay were set up by this Act , which also laid down procedures for arbitration where agreement could not be reached .
19 By duties I mean the responsibilities of which teachers ' work is composed .
20 A SCHEME for appraising teachers ' performance is being delayed because they are overloaded with extra work for the national curriculum and school budgets , writes Ngaio Crequer .
21 A threatened school teachers ' strike was averted in November , but not before a meeting of school students in support of their teachers had been broken up by riot police .
22 This transformation of teachers ' experiences is the key factor establishing the concept of partnership through direct experience .
23 Until a Teachers ' Council is established , teachers will continue to lack the organisational structure through which to control the entry , training and practice of the members of their ‘ profession ’ .
24 Pupils were tested before and after being taught and teachers ' knowledge was assessed by means of interviews and tests .
25 One of the prominent candidates and activists at the Hunan Teachers ' College was eventually arrested and sent for three years to a ‘ re-education through labour ’ camp .
26 Finally teachers ' guides are very frequently of a length and format and in a language which make them very , very difficult to comprehend by the average teacher .
27 Earlier , claims that the teachers ' boycott was illegal because the National Curriculum and associated testing and assessment was required under the 1988 Education Act the law were vigorously rejected by NASUWT general secretary Nigel de Gruchy .
28 The teachers ' authority is not to be regarded as delegated by the parent .
29 On May 28 four people were killed when a demonstration in Freetown by students in support of teachers ' demands was broken up by police after a police station had been stoned ; earlier a meeting attempting to establish an independent teachers ' union was also broken up by the authorities .
30 Procedures for monitoring the teachers ' assessments are to be established — especially where there is disagreement between the results of the two forms .
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