Example sentences of "expected to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The second band , with its very long progression of vibrational peaks , is assigned to both the quartet and doublet states formed by removal of an electron from the π u level , while the third and fourth bands are assigned respectively to the quartet and doublet states formed by removal of an electron from the level ; both levels are expected to be strongly bonding , as suggested by the lower vibration frequencies of the ions .
2 A top-class goalkeeper is expected to be both courageous and consistent .
3 The fact that there is a difference comes as no surprise , after all , a completely empty , uneventful drive through a junction would be expected to be both less memorable and less risky than an occasion when the junction was full of traffic .
4 But , in his report , Government inspector H Stephens says : ‘ The banging of car doors , the starting of engines and the noise from car alarms would be introduced close to habitable rooms and adjacent to residents ’ gardens which might normally be expected to be both peaceful and quiet . ’
5 Although not all newspapers were affected to the same degree , the trend towards more ‘ sensation ’ and more ‘ sport ’ suggested that the ‘ reader was expected to be intellectually more passive … attracted less by the prospect of greater wisdom than by that of ‘ Elevated ’ status , and he was now appealed to in a shrill capitalised format ’ .
6 A house which has been associated with such dramatic deeds might be expected to be broodingly sinister , but in fact Huntingtower is a delightful example of a castle which was progressively adapted to become a fine residence .
7 Some troops would be left to besiege Portsmouth , while the rest of this force , forming the left wing of the invading army , would turn inland , through Petersfield to Farnham , to come into line with the right wing , already expected to be well established in Surrey .
8 So Dublin was given a voice , but no responsibility , in the affairs of Northern Ireland , an arrangement that was expected to be well received by the Catholic community .
9 Pavlova was unusually slender in an era when women were expected to be well rounded .
10 Nevertheless , the total number of items is expected to be well over 20,000 .
11 ( In the year 2000 the number of homes with either cable or satellite is expected to be just over 10 million . )
12 This financial year , they are expected to be just over £1 billion — about one half of 1 per cent .
13 ‘ Detective Eddy has received word from London that someone he wants to see is expected to be here today .
14 The present tax year is expected to be even better — experts predict a net inflow of £3 billion and a £5 billion contribution to government funds in 1992–93 .
15 Durham are expected to be even stronger this time and competition for places will be fierce .
16 Voting is expected to be massively in favour of independence .
17 Voting is expected to be massively in favour of independence .
18 In 1982 this rose to 70% and by 1990 this is expected to be comfortably exceeded .
19 He 'd had another sleepless night and ahead lay customs , who could n't be expected to be exactly pro-British , and because of post and telephone strikes in Argentina , he had n't been able to confirm the flight with Alejandro , so they 'd have to go through the hassle of hiring a car to drive the 330 kilometres out to his estancia .
20 The US Federal Trade Commission is still trying to put together a case against Microsoft Corp that will win support from its commissioners , US PC Week reports , and will be collecting final depositions this week : the complaint is now expected to be drastically simplified in an effort to make it acceptable to at least three of the four voting commissioners , and the latest depositions are primarily focused on allegations that Microsoft intentionally built incompatibilities into its software so it would n't work well with offerings from competitors — a complaint set off by Novell Inc , which alleged DR DOS would n't work with Windows 3.1 because Microsoft deliberately added incompatible code ; Microsoft said it had ‘ never developed a product to be intentionally incompatible with some other product ’ ; the Commission is also expected to address the manner in which Microsoft disseminates technical information to developers , and the manner in which it has capitalised on operating system monopoly to build applications sales ; if at least three of the four commissioners agree with the complaint , the case will go to administrative court and Microsoft will be sued by the federal government for anti-trust violations , but the company is not expected to be asked to do anything so drastic as sell units .
21 The contents were expected to be badly corroded : in fact , with minimum effort bolts were undone , springs sprang , hinges opened and moving parts were easily freed .
22 Client versions of Windows NT are expected to be generally available by June 30 , although Microsoft chairman Bill Gates tendered a conservative 60-day timescale for introduction at the launch .
23 Client versions of Windows NT are expected to be generally available by June 30 , although Microsoft chairman Bill Gates tendered a conservative 60 day timescale for introduction at the launch .
24 Despite there being a demonstration of COSE desktops at the announcement last week — which included drag and drop between Motif and Open Look applications — what the resulting products will actually be remains unclear until the specification is released , and that is now expected to be sooner than the end-of-June timeframe that was given .
25 From quite an early age I was expected to be somewhere around .
26 Here in Jake 's splendid and tastefully furnished home was the very last place she had expected to be tonight .
27 He can be a ‘ character ’ , a source of quaint rustic humour or homespun rural philosophy on such matters as the seasons and the weather , but he is rarely expected to be either forward-thinking or ‘ forward ’ in his demeanour .
28 This is expected to be particularly revealing as Mr Camber , a curator at the British Museum before he went to work for Sotheby 's , heard about the hoard from an ex-colleague and became involved in negotiations over it in Switzerland some time before Lord Northampton , presenting himself as the single owner of the treasure , first approached Sotheby 's in 1988 with a view to selling .
29 While this change was designed to attract investment from domestic sources as well as more foreign capital , it was expected to be particularly welcomed by Japanese , South Korean and Taiwanese companies .
30 In 1828 , a plaque tells you , they were visited by the romantic Abbé Liszt , in the company of one Caroline de Saint-Cricq , who would hardly have expected to be thus immortalized for performing so brief a duet with the pianist composer .
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