Example sentences of "talking [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may find your opponents talking at length of earlier items on the agenda or have late items postponed to a later meeting , or talking off the issue in order to divert the discussion .
2 Steve Holden and Wendy relaxed in what was a quieter atmosphere after being assaulted by an irate opera buff in the row behind for talking during the performance .
3 Talking during the week with a veteran of the ANC — a man who has opposed Smith publicly and privately for years — I was surprised to hear him say , ‘ Whether the PM was right or wrong , we must assist him now to look into this idea of a change of heart . ’
4 Whereas the speaker is under considerable pressure to keep on talking during the period allotted to him , the writer is characteristically under no such pressure .
5 We had tried talking across the negotiating table and we had tried talking through the medium of Pat Lowry , the Chairman of ACAS .
6 They checked the few patients in the waiting-room , and Kathleen got Amy to sort them into priority , talking through the decision-making process as she did so .
7 It was partly because these artificial agglomerations soon broke up that we were left at the finish with a lot of little scraps , which nobody , when not talking through the back of his head , could mistake for potential nations .
8 Talking through the advantages and the snags , and deciding what each can reasonably expect from the other , should reduce the threat of future rows and recriminations .
9 So , that 's for in a very small way , which is individual companies building up their own relationships , getting together people from the voluntary sector , nationally or locally , and talking through the nature of the problems , and how they can help .
10 she did she went on talking through the letter box to them
11 And she could hear them talking through the bedroom wall .
12 He looked for the gamekeeper from the villa among the group of men in dark suits and flat caps who stood talking between the plastic flower stall and the van selling salted fish , but he was n't able to spot him .
13 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
14 In the first part of The Form , language is used to denote action and inner states that are immediately recognisable so that , for instance , cleanness of mouth is defined as not talking for the sake of it and telling no lies ( c.5 ) .
15 ‘ Since you ask , and since we 're talking for the record : Yes .
16 Adam followed them from the security of the trees , watched the senior officer talking as the others listened and followed him .
17 For instance , we were talking about the cinema , and he told me that the average Hollywood film reaches a larger public than the Holy Scriptures .
18 So we are not really talking about the survival of the earth , we are talking about the survival of the sort of earth we want .
19 So we are not really talking about the survival of the earth , we are talking about the survival of the sort of earth we want .
20 We 're talking about the year 2000 , intelligent robots , the nearest thing to the human mind and human handling ability yet devised .
21 Now there are occasionally criticisms from members that there is too much concentration on the elite end of sport in the Sports Federation in this instance the R Y A but what is important about the is an effort to produce a very high standard as a finished product so to speak to go to the Olympics but it also helps to concentrate minds on the bit that is missing before and help to recycle everybody 's concentration into the training area and Rod has just been talking about the year of youth and of course it follows on very naturally in a post- olympic year to launch that year of youth .
22 On the tape Dame Vera Lynn is interviewed talking about the work of the Association .
23 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
24 Weekends would be spent " Specialing " ; taking services in various corps and talking about the work .
25 Try to focus on the positive , on what a scene did achieve rather than what it did n't ; give them a vocabulary for talking about the work .
26 The Government 's commitment to the environment can have no credibility — I stress that I am talking about the Government , not the Minister — if the Prime Minister and the Chancellor do not think that the environment is important , even if lesser Ministers do .
27 And while we 're talking about the man 's divine right to know , little babies are born knowing all they need to know about love : they 're unselfconscious , they can communicate , and their first experience — sucking — is a sensual one !
28 I 'm talking about the man who just came in . ’
29 MR GIBBON points out ( HAS January 13 ) that the test question ( Echo January 7 ) for 14-year-olds shows the man has already stepped onto the first stair and begins to fall into the trap of talking about the man , when the question asks about the load !
30 Erm next week erm Julia will start talking about the life and times of Rousseau .
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