Example sentences of "feel [adj] about it " in BNC.

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1 Feel sorry about it yeah .
2 So occasionally , you can put your feet up instead of training on a wet and windy night and not feel guilty about it .
3 To make it worse , they feel guilty about it ; they think they are failures to themselves , traitors to their sex and threats to their babies .
4 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
5 its my responses to it , that would be a very different approach , because of familiar with a , I mean with the postcard that was past around , familiar with that picture then looked at it one , I feel that about it .
6 Now all these other eyes have looked at it I feel different about it .
7 I feel funny about it .
8 ‘ I felt I had everything under control and I feel disgusted about it . ’
9 Well like you say you feel nervous about it at first but once you do it , you 've got .
10 But sometimes it is disturbing to mothers , so if you feel uncomfortable about it you can try giving him a toy to hold while he 's on the toilet seat ’ ; and in general : ‘ If you take it easy in caring for your baby , you will be doing him a great service . ’
11 Do n't make her feel uncomfortable about it , will you ? ’
12 I feel rotten about it .
13 Anyway , you can see I feel confused about it still , because I could n't face the flak from your friends .
14 Yeah and er look I think the process is that you do work and you feel passionate about it , you wan na do it the best you think you 've done it as well as you can do it , and then you put it out in whatever form , in a T V series like Love Hurts or on stage like Alfie , or in an album like Midnight Postcards and you then just pray and hope that people want to listen to you , want to watch you , want to hear you .
15 You feel confident about it ?
16 Alex had thought , You 're throwing me away and trying to make yourself feel good about it .
17 So you know when you do something er for the right reasons , you know , you , you feel good about it .
18 A lot of people said no it ca n't be done , it 's a total impossibility , but er basically we 've hacked it , so we feel good about it , very good .
19 I feel better about it now than I have done since the accident , ’ she admitted .
20 And , you know , I feel better about it now .
21 I 'm happy with my body because my husband loves it and my children cuddle it and I feel great about it .
22 Barbara at the end of the day , at the end of the day Lance let me ask Barbara this question , at the end of the day , everyone 's been saying if th if they feel good doing it , and it gives them that much confidence and they feel great about it , whatever it looks like , why object ?
23 So it looks as if you , people 's emotions have been tuned in such a way , that mothers look on these situations from their point of view and feel happy about it , and offspring like you look at it from their point of view and feel unhappy about it , and your emotions are the way the evolution has equipped you to deal with these problems .
24 The present owner would probably arrange it for you , if you feel awkward about it . ’
25 Unless I feel terrible about it !
26 So it looks as if you , people 's emotions have been tuned in such a way , that mothers look on these situations from their point of view and feel happy about it , and offspring like you look at it from their point of view and feel unhappy about it , and your emotions are the way the evolution has equipped you to deal with these problems .
27 I think we should all be able to say that word and feel proud about it .
28 There 's absolutely not doubt in my mind that , my mind that a child born erm with a special background will be treated , and feel special about it and will appreciate and understand the the erm the background of the case and and the miseries of th their parents have gone through in orve , in order to have a child .
29 ‘ But I feel bad about it , ’ Margaret said .
30 So I did n't want to burden her by being awkward about it , make her feel bad about it , equally I have n't really thanked her .
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