Example sentences of "longer to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The memorandum ( endorsed by the National Joint Advisory Council representing the British Employers ' Confederation , the TUC , and the nationalized industries ) identified as the essential problem the provision of a place in society for the ever-growing proportion of elderly persons and suggested that : ‘ Age sixty-five for men and sixty for women ought no longer to be regarded as ‘ normal retiring age ’ ' .
2 Their association was no longer to be kept secret and , anyway , Laura denied that he had come .
3 It turned out that the territories in which a larger repertory was broadcast took longer to be re-occupied .
4 It did n't take long to get to Lori 's suite , but this time her knock took longer to be answered .
5 Nineteenth-century legs were no longer to be clad in fancy hose , and by 1810 with most of even the skilled stockingers crowded into the plain branch , prices and wages began to tumble .
6 With my new-found self-respect I may decide to refuse any longer to be called by that ridiculous name .
7 However , the C compiler now has to be bought separately as it is no longer to be bundled with Solaris : SunPro claims that it is no longer a necessary item for customers .
8 It could be that a researcher 's first paper takes longer to be accepted and published than do papers by established scientists who have had access to the research data of their more junior colleagues .
9 When in the early days pilgrims gathered to hold the feast at Gilgal , perhaps their celebrations included a procession round the ruined mound of Jericho , where no walls were any longer to be seen above ground , with the blowing of sacred trumpets of rams ' horns , and the solemn carrying of the ark .
10 Soon Jerusalem was no longer to be seen in Dorset 's green and pleasant land .
11 In this context , then , approaches to education must begin from the notion , articulated by André Gorz and others , that ours is a post-industrial society where paid work on a full-time basis is no longer to be seen as the norm , and where ‘ education for life ’ rather than ‘ training for jobs ’ should be the objective .
12 If services are no longer to be held , even irregularly , there may still be a local farmer or former parishioner who is willing to carry out basic maintenance .
13 The idea that modernity is problematic has caused sufficient anxiety about the modern world for its use no longer to be restricted to the universities and classrooms but to spill out into the everyday culture .
14 Homophonic real words ( e.g. rain , reign ) , however , take longer to be responded to than non-homophonic ( real ) words in the RVF but not in the LVF ( Barry , 1981 ) .
15 One line of evidence is the fact that severe ‘ inner city ’ deprivation is no longer to be found just in older urban areas but also in the outer council-housing estates on the edges of cities which were built to house inner city residents displaced by renewal programmes ( CES Ltd , 1985 ) .
16 He had been trying , he said , to arm the government with " preventative , defensive , and repressive measures which were no longer to be found in the earlier legislation on censorship " .
17 If art is no longer to be considered as of a different order than life , then the idea of aesthetic avant-gardes is questioned .
18 Through such processes , it was felt , the basis of public law was no longer to be rooted in command but rather in organization .
19 But I must readjust to the new and increasingly painful realization that this man is no longer to be trusted , not even in the smallest detail .
20 But the ill-effects , especially those that developed slowly , took much longer to be identified .
21 The Council had by this stage resolved the issue of its degree classification , so that separate degrees with separate admission for honours and ordinary students were no longer to be offered .
22 The picture of God at a man 's mercy is surely one derived from the story 's primitive origins , and no longer to be taken seriously .
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