Example sentences of "to come [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do encourage people to come for cups of coffee or bites to eat .
2 Tory candidate Tim Devlin has been accused of ‘ political mischief ’ in his claims of more home rule to come for Thornaby by Labour rival John Scott .
3 On March 15 a 23-member grand jury indicted four officers involved in the beating ; they were due to come for trial on May 13 .
4 ‘ You wo n't get the AA to come for hours on a day like this . ’
5 He used to come for holidays as a wee boy .
6 In 1372 stipendiaries , and rectors and vicars with benefices worth 10 marks ( or £3 13/ 4d ) , were to come as archers with bows and arrows ; those with livings worth more than £10 had to attend ‘ well armed ’ ; if their living was valued at £20 they had to be accompanied by two archers , if £40 by two armed men and two archers , if £100 by five armed men and six archers .
7 ‘ There 's always a self-imposed pressure , especially when you 're starting out — ‘ Shit , I 've got to come through big-time on this ’ — but you just have to let it happen ; if it does n't happen today it 'll happen tomorrow .
8 The programme , presented by Nigel Forde , is due to come off air in the summer .
9 A multi-millionairess with a fortune estimated at more than £10 million , a property tycoon in Australia where she was spending a fortune renovating her latest acquisition , a mammoth Victorian town house in the Melbourne suburbs , a singer poised to come of age with a backing band of her own and a world tour — the hologramic face of high technology in Japan , how could she ever again have been expected to have slipped into oily dungarees to tinker with the engine of a Land Rover ?
10 Oh they used to come with boxes of jewellery and stuff and thing .
11 Take this opportunity to come with Travelsphere to China — one of the last great travel experiences .
12 Has that come up in your er in your well we were coming back there one night from my aunt 's and er there were quite a lot of policemen about and I was only a little boy , it was before the First World War and my father said to one of these policemen , what 's happening so , oh we had a tip-off he says that er there 's these Whirly Gang folks and in the morning we saw somebody 'd been maimed or killed , but er that was another bit of interesting news around , and I remember down in Caldmore one day there used to be some ladies who used to come from , well they used to be , one of them used to call them the salt ladies , they used to come with blocks of salt on a , on a I think they used to come from and I saw a horse there as a kid and I , it had got a long gash right across its body and I said to this lady I said , what 's happened to this , she said oh the Whirly Gang and er I was in Paris in nineteen twenty two and er we got to this hotel and there was another Englishman on this trip and he said to me he said where do you come from ?
13 This quirk was to come under scrutiny in the Liverpool post-mortems a few months later .
14 TRANSPORT links in Livingston are to come under scrutiny in a bid to cut down the number of cars on the roads .
15 And that dismal record is likely to come under scrutiny from UEFA shortly , with Liverpool possibly in line for a warning or even a heavy fine .
16 While it did not mark the end of the conflict — though the early decrees of the Biblical Commission were quietly withdrawn in 1955 , the Biblicum was to come under attack on the eve of the Council — it was the most important milestone in the history of Catholic scriptural scholarship .
17 During the period of Chinese disunity the Japanese had supported the powerful warlord , Zhang Zuolin , who ruled Manchuria as his private province for much of the 1920s , but Zhang 's position , like that of the other warlords , began to come under threat from the rise of the Nationalist movement under Chiang Kai-shek ( Zhiang Jishe ) .
18 And the government 's so called mum 's army proposals for teaching youngsters are expected to come under fire at a meeting in Nottingham later today .
19 He was the second outgoing minister to come under investigation for corruption [ for investigation of outgoing Tourism Minister Carlo Tognoli see p. 38896 ] .
20 The inflationary stimulus of the war saw the promotion of fifteen offices between 1793 and 1815 , but twenty-nine were to come into existence between 1815 and 1830 and fifty-six between 1830 and 1844 .
21 Windmills , which had begun to come into existence during the 16th century were by now a common sight throughout the Lothians .
22 The organisation is due to come into existence in July next year .
23 A year or two later , expanding on her analysis , Iris Murdoch dubbed the journalistic novel ‘ loose and cheerful ’ , adding gaily that she was inclined to start writing a novel in the hope that ‘ a lot of people who are not me are going to come into existence in some wonderful way ’ — though frustrated , sometimes , by the prevailing theoretical power of her own philosophical mind .
24 At the same time , while it was now impossible to recover any significant sense of the centrality of English within the process of political democracy , the Cambridge Crisis allowed the wider debates about the " democratic " process to come into play within English studies .
25 He took great care not to touch her or allow his grubby clothes to come into contact with her beautiful skirt and creamy-white blouse .
26 Any strong chemicals , if allowed to come into contact with the urethral mucous membrane , which is very sensitive , may set up an irritative urethritis .
27 Girls on mountains tend to come into contact with more amphibious life than our men folk , on account of our toilet arrangements .
28 If a large number of people are likely to come into contact with the chemical , the committee recommends testing on mice and other small mammals .
29 When you remove food from the freezer , do n't leave it in a warm atmosphere or allow it to come into contact with unclean hands , surfaces or equipment before returning it to the freezer — you will be at risk of freezing in any contamination .
30 Care had to be taken in fitting the cotter-pins securing the grips , and grooves were cut on the inside of the coffin into which the cotter-pins were bent , so as not to come into contact with the lead shell .
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