Example sentences of "giving they [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And in the pursuit he came up to King Yucef , and smote him three times : but the King escaped from under the sword , for the horse of the Cid passed on in his course , and when he turned , the King being on a fleet horse , was far off , so that he might not be overtaken ; and he got into a Castle called Guyera , for so far did the Christians pursue them , smiting and slaying , and giving them no respite , so that hardly fifteen thousand escaped of fifty that they were .
2 And King Bucar and the other Kings were so greatly dismayed that they never checked the reins till they had ridden into the sea ; and the company of the Cid rode after them , smiting and slaying and giving them no respite ; and they smote down so many that it was marvellous , for the Moors did not turn their heads to defend themselves .
3 Those , mainly Conservative councils , that were spending below the standard spending levels were tempted to spend more and gain more grant ; those that were spending so much that government was giving them no grant could suffer no more penalties ; and all kinds of ingenious methods were used to avoid the penalties through creative accounting .
4 Fluff continued to look after Titch , and even when she grew and became Big Titch , she never forgot her first friend , and they shared a basket , though she persecuted everyone else — feline and human — giving them no peace until she fell asleep , having worn out herself and everyone else .
5 You are taking rights away and you are giving them no consultation at all .
6 They do have considerable advantages though , and it 's worth giving them a try to see if they suit you .
7 Six satin-cloaked figures in white porcelain masks arranged themselves artistically against the façade of a shop selling Murano glass , the blank stares and the perfectly carved mouths giving them a look of unreality .
8 A Sword Master always seeks to master new killing blows and different individuals perfect their own personal sword strokes , giving them a style of fighting as distinctive as a signature .
9 Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in policies and decisions affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health
10 Indeed , the Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in decisions and policies affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health .
11 The argument about the establishment of sections was about industrial identity and it was also about widening the democracy within the organization , bringing in more activists , giving them a say in their own conditions of service and in the strategic issues affecting their industry .
12 In the vast majority of cases this means giving them a mum and dad .
13 But at the moment , you feel as if they 're getting patted on the head and it 's giving them a push down the wrong way .
14 And giving them a smile of absolute sweetness , he left .
15 The SDLP vote also held up at 21.9pc , a slight increase on the 1989 figure , giving them a tally of 127 seats .
16 I recently asked Lord King of British Airways about his decision to buy Boeing aircraft and United States General Electric aero engines — not only that , but the fact that he was giving them a foothold in Britain at the expense of Rolls-Royce .
17 That did n't stop the enthusiastic chaps from giving them a sneak preview of three tracks hot off the tapes , so to speak .
18 It 's not desperately moist , although certainly one of them is cracking quite a bit , and if that helps to dry it up and make it more comfortable then it 's worth giving them a soak ten minutes a day .
19 And you can only do that by giving them a sense of direction . ’
20 Well I think some interesting work has been done in Israel erm , a woman called Dr. Ophraelin erm and she runs a stress prevention centre where she 's working right out in the community , which is something , you know , I particularly am interested in , erm empowering people , empowering parents , helping them to recognize their skills , erm just giving them a sense of their own self worth .
21 Never keep callers waiting while you look for information or try to transfer them , etc. , without explaining what you are doing and giving them a chance to call back if they are in a hurry or if they are calling long-distance .
22 Well if you have other applications running the reason is obvious — you are cutting them off in their prime without giving them a chance to save data or clean up any temporary files that they might be using .
23 The hon. Member for Northampton , North ( Mr. Marlow ) has some interesting ways of looking at the problem , but he did not look at the fact that there are proven ways of taking young people who have committed offences and giving them a chance to confront their criminality .
24 We 're giving them a chance to show us what they can do . ’
25 Doctors can convince trusting patients that they will get better even while giving them a course of pills which consist of little more than sugar and water .
26 If as part of the task you specify the effect the programme is to have on the audience , you are building in the criteria by which that audience can judge the programme and you are giving them a purpose in viewing .
27 It was absolutely no good just giving them a sketch and expecting them to expand on it using their own initiative .
28 The course for staff also included input from the Department of Management Studies , giving them a management skills , as well as a personal development , focus .
29 The action was called after a row between ambulance staff and Mrs Virginia Bottomley , the Health Minister of State , at her South-west Surrey constituency last Friday over her refusal to recognise ambulance workers as the third arm of the emergency services giving them a pay formula automatically tied to the police and fire fighters .
30 grading , instead of giving them a pay rise they get
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