Example sentences of "whom [vb past] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He elaborated it in a memorandum of 17 Nov 1987 , which was discussed at the Africa/Middle East Committee on 8 Dec 1987 , and at SMT on 4 Dec 1987 , both of whom recommended that it be explored .
2 My mother and my best friend , both of whom believed that I could just as well have a bath at home , came with me .
3 Lawrence was elected British president , and discharged his difficult task with a calmness , courtesy , and firmness which won universal approval , even from the defendants , the soldiers among whom thought that their problems were appreciated by one who had gained the DSO as a gunner officer in World War I. Praise was also given by the British alternate judge , Sir Norman ( later first Baron ) Birkett [ q.v. ] , who was secretly resentful that he had not been chosen for the post .
4 Opinion polls in 1991 indicated a substantial decline in support for parties of the governing coalition ( especially among eastern German respondents ) , a reduction in support for Kohl as Chancellor , and a growing feeling of anxiety and resentment among eastern Germans , a large majority of whom said that they were made to feel that they were " second-class citizens " in unified Germany .
5 Among the companies which have threatened to cut their operations in the country , or to pull out altogether , are Shell , Dow Chemicals , and the Dutch division of Hoechst , a spokesman for whom said that it would consider moving to " Kazakhstan — where pollution really is a problem " .
6 Amongst new captives brought in were a Maxwell laird and an English under-officer , both of whom testified that they had seen King Edward Balliol riding off eastwards from the camp area , alone , still only in shirt and breeches , presumably making for the Border and Carlisle .
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