Example sentences of "need a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Clamping down on the professional foul does not need a change of law , simply a change of emphasis by referees .
2 ‘ It would need a change of culture compared with the last 13 years , ’ said one senior civil servant .
3 You may need a change of Pill .
4 The Deutsche Bundespost Telekom has realised that it does not need a change in the German constitution to privatise its cellular telephone business , and has decided that as it is in keen need of cash for investment , it will go ahead and do it ahead of its own privatisation .
5 Do you need a drink of water or anything ?
6 You do n't need a herd of asses , just tip a few tablespoons of powdered milk into your bath for a skin softening soak .
7 If you wish to follow the same route successfully you will need a reference of some sort and the Ponzo C tutor is a very good source of information .
8 Although lasers have been dropping in price , you 'll still need a budget of around £500 , whereas inkjets start at around £150 .
9 For instance , an operating theatre would need a level of over 10,000 lux , a boxing ring 2,000 lux , kitchens 300 lux and bathroom 100 .
10 Do n't need a cathedral in it
11 Yesterday , a police spokesman said the classroom would probably need a joist in the ceiling replacing .
12 We do need a desk in both places — a desk to welcome people is important .
13 They do n't need a bottle of Scotch a day and new silk scarves every week . ’
14 It 's so long I do n't need a map for some reason .
15 Homographs may need a modifier in parenthesis to clarify the meaning that is associated with them , for example Cold ( Disease )
16 Longuet did say that SGS-Thomson would need a link with an industrial partner to satisfy its long-term technical needs .
17 Longuet did say that SGS-Thomson would need a link with an industrial partner to satisfy its long-term technical needs .
18 At the other end of R5 ( the base of TR2 ) we will need a voltage of 0.6V in order to forward bias the base-emitter junction and turn TR2 ‘ on ’ .
19 Do they need a corpse as proof of their virility ?
20 He 'll need a collar on just in case his neck 's injured , but I do n't know if you 'll get it round the spikes .
21 Just as , say , medievalists must have a good working knowledge of Latin and be skilled palaeographers future historians will need a range of IT skills .
22 Liechtenstein would now need a modification in the legal basis of its relationship with its Swiss neighbour ; under the 1923 agreement creating a customs union , it could not join any treaty to which Switzerland did not also adhere .
23 To start with , you 'll need a cutting from a healthy , fully grown plant .
24 The si it 's all round the sides you do n't really need a top on a tank , it 's just the sides you want .
25 ‘ I 'll need a receipt for that , if you do n't mind . ’
26 And the and the clock , wo n't you need a clock for tomorrow ?
27 The law may need a bit of help round the edges but that is absolutely essential .
28 ‘ She 'll need a bit of a rest .
29 ‘ If she comes 'ome Maggie 'll need a bit of warmth . ’
30 It would have been too sad to think about had she not met two apprehensive Wrens : Lucinda and Jane , kids hardly out of their gymslips who would need a bit of looking after .
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