Example sentences of "everyone who has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone who has examined the issue with any professional respectability thinks that the Secretary of State is simply off his head .
2 Everyone who has seen the Vauxhall commercials featuring Layla will be familiar with the playing of Clem Clempson .
3 I am not saying that natural energy flows do not exist , but to detect them alongside the multitude of artificial energy sources , and the thought forms of everyone who has visited or passed through the site , is likely to be confusing , to say the least .
4 Thank you to everyone who has supported my NCT/Amway launch , which has raised £30 for branch funds .
5 I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me , family , friends , and everyone else .
6 I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me , family , friends , and everyone else .
7 It 's been an emotional , turbulent four months : we 've read every letter sent with every donation , been touched and amazed time and again by your generosity , and offer our warmest thanks to everyone who has given time and/or money to help .
8 What to do in a democratic society with the errant or aberrant citizen of genius — this question , fumbled at or glossed over by everyone who has written on Pound 's case ( jurists and psychiatrists , as well as biographers and critics ) , is here posed more starkly , and explored more searchingly , then ever before .
9 The goodwill and support has been overwhelming , and we thank everyone who has written or faxed and especially those who have donated money or who are involved in fundraising activities .
10 Erm we are reassuring everyone who has written to us in the that all of the will be taking it fully into consideration when the money application is is considered .
11 EVERYONE who has played a part in the remarkable reduction in the number of deaths due to drink-driving deserves to be congratulated .
12 I should like to thank everyone who has contributed articles , our advertisers and the Knights of St Columba who are very helpful in the distribution of the Catholic Voice to the parishes .
13 Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue of The Gusher — keep it coming in .
14 Lydia asks me to pass her thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously to the campaign and says that while little has changed in the way of living conditions for the prisoners and their families , the campaigners are confident of their victory .
15 We wish to thank everyone who has contributed directly or indirectly to the preparation of this document .
16 Pat will ‘ kick off ’ proceedings on the day at 1.15pm when he launches 1 , balloons before setting off on a fun walk with everyone who has come along .
17 I have no research to prove that it is an effective relaxation technique , but everyone who has experienced it asks for it when they come back for more treatment . ’
18 I have no research to prove that it is an effective relaxation technique , but everyone who has experienced it asks for it when they come back for more treatment . ’
19 Dave Sargeant , of the Alex planning department , said : ‘ The events which have taken place so far have been a credit to everyone who has taken part .
20 Everyone who has taken the trouble to contact them and to work with them speaks of their high qualities and commitment .
21 ‘ Its a tremendous opportunity to see how they approach treatment in the U.S. and we are very grateful to everyone who has helped us to get there . ’
22 ‘ The public have been absolutely tremendous , ’ Mrs Phillips said , ‘ we are very grateful to everyone who has helped us . ’
23 Thank You everyone who has helped to promote Society sales .
24 Everyone who has worked with him describes it as ‘ an unforgettable experience ’ , and there is usually a Beecham story .
25 Everyone who has watched a loved one go through the experience of a major and dangerous operation will understand what the next few weeks were like .
26 Thank you to everyone who has sold their tickets , either to themselves or to others !
27 Roy Jenkins , chancellor from 1968 to 1970 , acknowledged the strain when he said : ‘ I think it is the most back-breaking job in government and indeed it has broken the back of nearly everyone who has held it since the war . ’
28 Everyone who has left the village makes the effort to come back for May weekend .
29 Everyone who has paid their PAF will receive a copy of the Certificate of Insurance issued by Perkins Slade .
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