Example sentences of "whatever [pers pn] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 You did not tell me what you had been doing , or where you had been , and you were not interested in whatever I might have been doing .
2 Anyway , whatever I may have thought about his methods of bringing it about , I 'll always be grateful to him for my wife ! ’
3 Somehow , she had a need to know all she could about him — and in there lay the conflict — because whatever she would have asked , or learned , was not for any write-up which she might hand over to her sister for her use , but was private and personal , and for her alone .
4 I was simply trying to emulate … ’ but whatever she might have said was lost to the word forever as she crumpled bonelessly to the floor in a dead faint .
5 or whatever she might have just said something in
6 Come now , whatever you may have heard of me , this is a perfectly ordinary hand , not a centaur 's hoof or a goblin 's claw . ’
7 Whatever you may have read or heard about their relationship still can not prepare you for her own account .
8 Whatever we may have said about theory permeating experience or paradigms governing science , truth will sometimes out , because nature is not a human creation .
9 Whatever we may have felt , however , we had to be careful not to show too much dislike , because the Repubblichini were gaining strength all the time .
10 Whatever they may have told the pollsters , there must have been countless voters who , as they finally confronted their choice , saw in their mind 's eye the image of a beaming Neil and Glenys standing at the door of Number 10 , and thought , dammit — prompting them to switch back to that decent , straightforward , reliable Mr Major .
11 On the other hand , even efficient ‘ managers ’ , such as Lord Ilay or Henry Dundas , could never claim absolute mastery of Scotland in fact , whatever they may have alleged to their colleagues , for no manager ever possessed a monopoly of desirable patronage , some of which always remained in private hands .
12 One factor with which the Baghdad planners had failed to reckon seems to have been the contribution to an enemy 's performance of simple patriotism , the force which impels people to fight to defend their native soil against an invader , whatever they may have to say about the way things are run at home .
13 Further analysis of their data and of additional data for the period from 1970 to 1975 showed that , though the vote for the two main parties had declined in the 1960s , major party identification had not : in other words , electors — whatever they may have done in the polling booths — continued to express a sense of affiliation with one of the two main parties .
14 In Deuteronomy , Moses threatened those who disobeyed the laws with the ‘ Botch of Egypt ’ which , apart from scabs and emerods , whatever they might have been , progressed to madness , blindness , and astonishment of heart .
15 No member of the family knew her exact age and whatever they might have guessed she would have denied flatly .
16 He said : ‘ Keith Fletcher and Graham Gooch are both members of the TCCB 's cricket committee and we shall listen carefully to whatever they might have to say in their end-of-tour reports .
17 " He knows when he 's on to something good , and he 's loyal to his staff , I 'll give him that , whatever he may have to say to anyone behind closed doors .
18 And whatever he may have tried to gain from me , he also gave me a great deal . ’
19 I know her well , and how brave she is , and by God , for whatever he may have done he shall pay , and pay again .
20 After only a minute of play or painting or whatever he should have been doing , he would leave his place , then snatch toys , kick children , overturn furniture and try to run out of the nursery .
21 This could have come about by virtue of the fact that at every stage of evolution the original life force ( whatever it may have been and relegated in this book to the pre-life period ) was always carried by the species at the head of the chain , and this was the species which would ultimately become the human race .
22 Thus Moore 's methodology points inevitably to his main ethical conclusion , which is that nothing , or at least very little , is to any great degree good except for cases of personal affection and the enjoyment of beautiful objects and that everything in life which does not come under these heads has barely any value apart from whatever it may have as a means of promoting these great goods .
23 Whatever it might have been , it was short-lived so far as James was concerned .
24 Drawings were altered er instead of getting a whole sheet of a combined er er part of a , a steering gear or whatever it might have been , er they were all itemized and reduced to part pieces , and it was much easier to look , examine and find out what sizes were required than , you know , three dimensional er drawings .
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