Example sentences of "whatever they [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Whatever they may have told the pollsters , there must have been countless voters who , as they finally confronted their choice , saw in their mind 's eye the image of a beaming Neil and Glenys standing at the door of Number 10 , and thought , dammit — prompting them to switch back to that decent , straightforward , reliable Mr Major .
2 On the other hand , even efficient ‘ managers ’ , such as Lord Ilay or Henry Dundas , could never claim absolute mastery of Scotland in fact , whatever they may have alleged to their colleagues , for no manager ever possessed a monopoly of desirable patronage , some of which always remained in private hands .
3 One factor with which the Baghdad planners had failed to reckon seems to have been the contribution to an enemy 's performance of simple patriotism , the force which impels people to fight to defend their native soil against an invader , whatever they may have to say about the way things are run at home .
4 Further analysis of their data and of additional data for the period from 1970 to 1975 showed that , though the vote for the two main parties had declined in the 1960s , major party identification had not : in other words , electors — whatever they may have done in the polling booths — continued to express a sense of affiliation with one of the two main parties .
5 In Deuteronomy , Moses threatened those who disobeyed the laws with the ‘ Botch of Egypt ’ which , apart from scabs and emerods , whatever they might have been , progressed to madness , blindness , and astonishment of heart .
6 No member of the family knew her exact age and whatever they might have guessed she would have denied flatly .
7 He said : ‘ Keith Fletcher and Graham Gooch are both members of the TCCB 's cricket committee and we shall listen carefully to whatever they might have to say in their end-of-tour reports .
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