Example sentences of "theory [be] that it " in BNC.

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1 A parallel attraction of the theory is that it seems to constrain perception to be true — to be only about things that impinge on the nervous system ; that are , in other words , ‘ really there ’ .
2 Donald Davie has suggested that one reason for the explosion of theory is that it provides ‘ a stamping ground for the innumerable people in departments of English ( also of French , of German , of Classics ) who have energy and intelligence but no literary sensibility . ’
3 Another theory is that it was an engineering disaster ; several other Paris recordings from the period are thin and distorted .
4 A second problem with compensation theory is that it ignores the period during which any changes are taking place — the transitional period .
5 The problem with disengagement theory is that it fails to ask whether such observable characteristics of older people are attributable , at least in part , to cultural expectations .
6 One theory is that it awakens distant memories of floating in the comfort of the womb .
7 The importance of skill theory is that it relates human performance to systems concepts and to individual differences .
8 One attractive aspect of this theory is that it highlights the way in which formal instruction can inhibit learning by not allowing sufficient scope for self-expression and self-development — alienation following submission to being taught rather than learning how to learn .
9 Finally , one major gap in Oakeshott 's theory is that it says nothing about the fundamental issue of how societas may be reconstituted in the modern age .
10 Consequently , one lesson to criminal law from legal theory is that it should not aim at a comprehensiveness inconsistent with its subject-matter .
11 ( One theory is that it arose from scribes ' attempts to make the word more legible .
12 The one thing that everyone knows about quantum theory is that it contains Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle acting as a limit upon our powers of exact knowledge .
13 ( c ) Another point which I take to be in favour of the theory is that it begins to make some theoretical sense of the intuitive feeling that what was wrong in the Gettier cases was that there was too much luck around .
14 Another theory is that it prevents the leaves from mistaking strong moonlight for the dawn of another day .
15 The importance of the concession theory is that it establishes a theoretical framework sympathetic to state intervention ; the company is a creature of the state , existing to promote the public welfare , and as such the state has the right to interfere in its internal affairs and need not confine itself to external , general-law regulation .
16 A further weakness of the theory is that it does not explain why so much hooligan activity is based on fan rivalries within the working class ; nor can it deal with Wagg 's ( 1984:198 ) observation that ‘ the most notable attempts by a club 's following to prevent it parting with a popular player or manager have usually been initiated by middle-class people ’ .
17 What is important about this contribution to linguistic theory is that it allows one to analyze the personal or ‘ subjective ’ elements of language without having to resort to any real correlative outside language .
18 But the chief advantage of the linguistic analogy in any narrative theory is that it allows literature in general and narrative in particular to be read as a self-contained system independent of any realist function .
19 The theory is that it passes .
20 Thom 's main claim for his basic theory is that it provides a language enabling qualitative description of a system of moderate complexity embracing discontinuities .
21 The main strength of the theory is that it directs attention to the entrepreneurial or innovative personalities who seem to be so important in the developmental process , but even here the theory does tend to ignore the inconsistencies and contradictions that are inherent in explanations based on individual characteristics .
22 One popular theory was that it was propagated by the miasma which hung about the damp , insanitary places such as overcrowded burial grounds .
23 The problem with Darwin 's theory was that it reduced evolution to a chapter of accidents .
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