Example sentences of "come back [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But Guido was there all right ; he must have come back without Ronni knowing , and he was facing Silvia in the enormous hallway , a fulminating tower of bristling black anger .
2 On T V last week there was a programme , tuberculosis has come back into Britain , said it was the Asians bringing it back .
3 Some colour had come back into Jennifer 's face .
4 Tommaso had not come back at Ascension , though some others who 'd been called to military service at the same time walked into town one afternoon .
5 Well at various times in my life I 've come back to Kingston and I first of all used to see peo girls who were at school with me .
6 ‘ Oh , that 'll be why Boz has come back to Wychwood .
7 Well I 'm pleased to hear that it 's come back to Shrewsbury .
8 I only became interested in public relations once I had come back to Germany . ’
9 I 'd never have come back to Liverpool only the firm sent me here to fix something up on the docks twelve months before this lot started , so I was just unlucky . ’
10 Others present included Lord David Cecil , who had lately come back to Oxford to teach English Literature at New College , and Adam Fox , the college chaplain .
11 This week our guest on Sharing Time is Erlend who is one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha disaster and is one who has come back to Orkney this last week , staying with his family here in Orkney .
12 His only son — well provided in those days with cash — had come back to Europe in the early ‘ thirties with little in his mind except escape .
13 Her father had been an economist , who had come back to Europe with Woodrow Wilson to try to hammer something workable out of the ruins of the Great War , and after that the family had divided themselves between the USA and Britain .
14 One of the men has already come back to Britain voluntarily , the older one is fighting extradition
15 Since he had not come back to Møn he must be dead — there could be no other explanation .
16 Had n't everything gone wrong from the moment she had come back to Eastlake ?
17 I 've come back to England to watch you spend it . ’
18 They also believe that , like Zacchaeus , many people who have come back to God desire to make amends for their past .
19 My parents , who had come back to Hastings from their exile in Somerset to fish and clean , as they always did , had braved all and were coming to the wedding .
20 She has come back with Hywel 's dinner .
21 Dustin Hoffman had come back with Rainman , but Warren had n't done anything .
22 And camping We 've just come back from Cornwall and it was very wet .
23 I 've just come back from France .
24 One British firm has just come back from France with almost £1m for its contribution towards landscaping .
25 She remembered that fated evening when she had come back from Wimbledon after seeing Hindley Foster .
26 Ever since that ghastly winter 's night when she had come back from Wimbledon and said she was pregnant .
27 I have n't been in here since I 've come back from Devon
28 We 've just come back from Chile , where chemical pollution , factory fishing , and poverty are the everyday reality facing fishermen , slowly destroying their ability to make a living and support their families .
29 McFarlane had come back from London in December 1985 disgusted with the bartering , repelled by Ghorbanifar and wanting to abandon the operation .
30 At last week-end 's ICA conference , the film generated a single comment , from a producer on Channel 4 's Out series , Claire Beavan , who had just come back from America where she was making a programme about Hollywood homophobia .
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