Example sentences of "for at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On another occasion , things did not go so well , ‘ for at each corner of each box they [ rats ] had made a proper hole for access and in each box was a warm nest of straw and the leaves and stalks of the shrubs .
2 For at that stage I had no idea which of these contextual implications were implications of , and hence shared by , the speaker 's thought .
3 ‘ Yes , I live very well , ’ he said , as I could see , for at that moment a well-dressed young woman came in and bought the carving of Maeve for twenty-five pounds .
4 For at that moment , directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip , the float of dummy Capellans was purring serenely by .
5 In worldly terms , he missed his opportunity , for he could almost certainly have obtained Henry 's acceptance of the new papal decrees on investiture and homage if he had insisted , for at that moment Henry would have had to agree to anything to get his support .
6 For at that moment true language was restored to her .
7 For at that moment I thought I saw that all my previous beliefs in progress were built on shifting sand .
8 Then all at once Rachel had to fight a sudden impulse to go and find David , for at that moment all she wanted was once more to feel the strength of his arms around her .
9 He was firing deliberately a bit wide , I thought , to scare rather than to hit me , for at that sort of range anyone with a rifle — unless he were truly an appalling shot — could scarcely miss .
10 for at that time from far and near there is a gathering of the clans : the games were instituted with that purpose , and have continued to draw together year by year Highland chieftains and men of note , and ladies of rank , accomplishments , and beauty .
11 If a negro was amongst them , the interest was even greater , for at that time Salisbury contained few coloured people .
12 The meeting decided that the missionaries should move to Upper Burma , for at that time we fully believed the government 's assurance that we should be able to hold part of Burma at any rate .
13 I am not sure if Sir Henry Wood conducted it , for at that time he seemed to conduct only the first item of a concert , and then ceded the podium to Basil Cameron .
14 ‘ As a nurse , I could not understand why she did not directly approach the hospitals concerned , for at that time I had little doubt that she would have received informed , prompt , honest replies . ’
15 They were not a shapeless porridge of symbols , for at any rate some of them were consistently connected with others .
16 For at this level we are dealing with underlying causes , rather than immediate effects .
17 The reason that these were given was most probably for quick identification , for at this time most men worked on the cement factories where father and son and uncles worked together , some with the same Christian names and a nickname was necessary for a man to know who was needed .
18 For at this time in the west Marx was taken seriously only within the international labour movement and especially the growing socialist movement of his own country , and his intellectual influence even there was as yet slight .
19 You will no doubt have been assisting her in basic matters connected with the running of her home while she is still in a state of shock following her husband 's death , for at this point even the most capable women sometimes find day-to-day planning and decision-making very hard to cope with and need to be eased gently back into their normal routine .
20 Even the more Puritan gentry found it hard to bring themselves to prosecute their neighbours and relatives , for at this stage the sense of solidarity among the gentry was usually greater than their religious differences .
21 Thank you for being there , for at this stage the Marshal was powerless to help him .
22 Indeed , the name " pupa " derives from a Latin word meaning a doll , for at this stage the insect within seems to be wrapped in swaddling clothes .
23 For at this moment , standing here beside him , part of her really wanted to believe in things that could never , ever be .
24 ‘ I 've had better tarts , ’ he said , and , walking to the door as she struggled into a sitting position , trying to restore her ruined self , for at some time she must leave the room and face her shattered world , he flung her his final insult .
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