Example sentences of "for [pers pn] give [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps Louise saw it too , for she gave a little laugh .
2 And yet their brands were no different and no better than what could be bought here , because her father had been to Harrods store in London and had a contract with them , and they were very good to deal with , for they gave the lowest prices to orders from clubs , messes , hotels and buyers .
3 The precedent thus set by the commons became of great significance in later political crises , for it gave the commons a means of dealing with unpopular royal officials and ministers , with the sanction of nonco-operation in the business of parliament if their charges were not heard .
4 This list is of vital importance , for it gives a broad approach to the curriculum which can unite the profession .
5 The recently published book Collecting Lustreware goes a long way to correct such assumptions , for it gives a comprehensive account of all British pottery and porcelain manufacturers who are known to have made and/or decorated lustreware — and there was no shortage of them .
6 When I asked him what for he gave a sad sigh and then a sort of bitter grin and looked me in the eye and said , ‘ Sexual harassment . ’
7 Her face must have registered dismay at having to tell Peter what had happened , for he gave a narrow smile .
8 What he gives is his opinion , whereas when he is asked who he will vote for he gives a fact .
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