Example sentences of "1989 [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The organizing Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes ( CFA ) heard at its meeting in December 1989 that the WFP was likely to suffer a shortfall of 500,000 tonnes in its food supplies for 1990 , owing to increased commodity prices and reductions in the pledges made by donor countries .
2 It was revealed in October 1989 that the Defence Department had rejected an internally commissioned report which suggested that homosexual men and women be allowed to undertake military service .
3 It was reported in mid-October 1989 that the government intended to increase the privatization of the health services .
4 It was not in fact until a newly legalised Solidarity had been successful at the polls and formed a majority administration in 1989 that the making of public policy began again to command at least a minimum of public acceptability .
5 The Washington-based newsletter Defence Week reported in April 1989 that the US administration was seeking USdollars 7,000,000 in the 1990 financial year and a further dollars 27,700,000 in 1991 for the development of " incapacitating chemical material " .
6 City analysts UBS-Philips and Drew suggested in a report released in August 1989 that the cost of meeting just the lead levels in the Directive would be £2,500 million .
7 There was some speculation during late 1989 that the rate of global warming might accelerate due to hitherto unforeseen circumstances .
8 In a unanimous decision , the Court upheld lower court rulings in 1984 and 1989 that the Teme-Augama Anishnabai Indians had possessed aboriginal rights to the 3,800 square mile tract of mineral- and timber-rich land some 275 miles north of Toronto , but that these had been surrendered to the British Crown under the terms of the Robinson-Huron treaty .
9 It was reported in October 1989 that the Justice Department had advised the FBI that it could legally arrest fugitives in foreign countries without the consent of those countries and whether or not those arrested were US citizens .
10 It was clear by the end of 1989 that the Commission 's plans to introduce a uniform 15 per cent withholding tax on capital savings had been dropped in the face of vigorous opposition from many member states ( see also p. 36494 ) .
11 Further evidence continued to emerge during the second half of 1989 that the world was becoming gradually warmer .
12 It was reported from Bulgaria in 1989 that the trees in 25,000 hectares out of 35,000 hectares of silver fir forest were severely damaged or dying .
13 In the light of the profound changes in Europe since 1989 and the ending of the Cold War , NATO was undergoing a radical restructuring , a process due to culminate in an autumn summit meeting .
14 The Enquiry Group was established in February 1989 and the Minister was presented with the Report in October 1989 .
15 Nevertheless the national curriculum in maths , science and English was introduced in 1989 and the teachers have complained bitterly of the short time available for training and of the meagre resources devoted to it — £47.5 million for training in content and £33.1 million for preparing teachers for the new tests and assessment .
16 The Children Act 1989 and the regulations made under that Act have imposed upon the justices a new and very substantial burden and one which I am aware is sometimes causing difficulty , as justices are not accustomed to giving a judgment or a detailed explanation of their findings and their reasons .
17 The reform of local government , which took effect in Scotland in 1989 and the rest of the UK in 1990 , made three changes .
18 The easiest way to deal with the situation and the one which causes least problems to the students is to assume that the wages paid in 1989 and the materials used in 1989 were charged in 1989 .
19 The Children Act 1989 and the government 's ratification in December 1991 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child have major implication for work with children .
20 Two proposed changes to the Constitution , both affecting the role of Parliament , caused controversy in the latter part of 1989 and the beginning of 1990 .
21 Survival International , which works for the rights of threatened tribal peoples , doubled its membership between the end of 1989 and the middle of 1990 .
22 The inconsistencies in the approaches adopted by SSAPs 15 and 24 have been pointed out in papers published by the Pensions Research Accountants Group in 1989 and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( TR794 ) in 1990 .
23 Many banks had also suffered from government measures to curb liquidity , including the tightening of reserve and liquidity ratios in April 1989 and the requirement introduced the following month that parastatals shift their deposits from commercial banks to the Central Bank .
24 Among the worst incidents were serious clashes between rival fans at a World Cup qualifying match between the Netherlands and West Germany in Rotterdam in April 1989 and the abandonment of an international club fixture in September in Amsterdam after the goalkeeper from the visiting team had been hit by an iron rod .
25 1989 and the shark weighed 42 lb. 1238 days later and much , much bigger taking the scales at a whopping 120 lb ‘ bluey ’ ran out of luck .
26 A general election and the freezing of martial law in late 1989 and the appointment of a Royal Commission in April 1990 to draw up a national political charter indicated King Hussein 's intention to press ahead with his " democratic experiment " .
27 When the congress opened on Feb. 19 Harilaos Florakis , appointed president of the central committee on his resignation as general secretary in July 1989 and the party 's leader since 1973 , had raised the reformists ' hopes with his unexpected announcement that he now wanted " to be a simple foot-soldier in the party " .
28 ‘ By reason of the words published on 17 September 1989 and the words and graph published on 24 September 1989 the plaintiff council has been injured in its credit and reputation and has been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and has suffered loss and damage .
29 The 14th congress of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) , the first since the violent suppression of China 's pro-democracy movement in 1989 and the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union , was held in Beijing on Oct. 12-18 .
30 The Textile industry has undergone a 5% fall in exports compared with 1989 and the Footwear and clothing industry has suffered an even larger decline of 13% in the value of its exports .
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