Example sentences of "approach to [noun] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Dawkins 's approach to evolution was presented in characteristically entertaining form when he suggested that the organism is ‘ … a robot vehicle blindly programmed to preserve its selfish genes ’ .
2 The approach to curriculum was strong on rhetoric about the whole , but weak on detail about specifics .
3 While the idea of the two-stage revolution : liberation first , communism later : could be described as primitive Leninism , it may be seen that Ho 's approach to Communism was also two-track : town and country : not necessarily in that order : and his Revolutionary Youth League also functioned on two levels : the mass nationalist party and the inner core of Tam Tam Xa hotheads who were to be the nucleus of a future communist party .
4 But elements of the strategy , which were practised before illuminative evaluation as a structured approach to evaluation was contemplated , are more manageable and are being attempted .
5 Weber 's approach to inequality was to present a range of descriptive categories that could be used to describe it in any given society .
6 Some of her mannerisms and charismatic approach to leadership were not always appreciated by the conservative British .
7 ( I subsequently had ( 27 April ) a site meeting with an EGBT official , who completed a proposal form on the spot — however , the funding aspects are not my main concern here ; suffice it to say , 1 ) that I have always been confident that funding would be secured from one source or another , and 2 ) that my direct approach to SNH was done only because I had indications that their project approvals took months rather than weeks — something I have subsequently been assured is not true ) .
8 The man had been trained in the 1950s when the ‘ tactile ’ approach to teaching was favoured .
9 Consistency among teachers : Pupils performed better when the approach to teaching was consistent .
10 His approach to teaching was irrevocably pragmatic , reminiscent rather of that tradition of apprenticeship , which had dominated art until the 19th century , rather than of the semi-academicised inculcation of self-expression , which had prevailed ever since .
11 Her approach to clothes was matched by a mother in Ritchie 's study who noted that the cost of fuel meant that she did not light the fire during the day when her children were at school but saved the limited fuel supplies to protect their standard of living .
12 In other departments the approach to assessment was deliberately kept as informal and flexible as possible , as in the following extended quotation from the Head of Drama at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ , which illustrates that this type of apparent informality can be just as thorough and searching , if not more so , than many supposedly more objective methods :
13 That approach to construction was approved by the House of Lords in In re Smith ( A Bankrupt ) , Ex parte Braintree District Council [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 215 , in which Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle said , at p. 238 , that , in view of the changes in policy shown by the new Act , he felt justified in construing the provision of the Act of 1986 ‘ as a piece of new legislation without regard to 19th century authorities or similar provisions of repealed Bankruptcy Acts . ’
14 A more genuinely scientific approach to management was provided earlier by the American engineer F. W. Taylor ( 191 1 ) and his associates F. B. Gilbreth and H. Gantt .
15 Criticism of the phenomenological approach to RE was given in Chapter 4 , particularly on the grounds that in practice it tends to lose touch with much of the religion it sets out to understand and include .
16 The Russian approach to negotiations was complacent in the extreme .
17 Two of the leading exponents of this approach to organisations were F.W. Taylor and H. Fayol .
18 The concern with the scientific approach to organisations was developed by Henri Fayol ( 1988 ) although the scientific discipline that he used was biology rather than engineering .
19 His approach to modernism was aesthetic rather than sociological or mechanistic , although he built a fine primary school at Whitwood Mere , near Castleford , Yorkshire ( 1939 ) .
20 On Jan. 10 Lewandowski told a Sejm committee assessing his candidacy for the post of Minister of Ownership Transformations that the performance of the share offer indicated that a different approach to privatization was needed , and he said that he favoured distributing to all Polish citizens free vouchers to be exchanged for shares .
21 This gentle and more sensitive approach to children was but a part of a wider change in social attitudes ; a part of that belief that nature was inherently good , not evil , and what evil there was derived from man and his institutions ; an attitude which was also reflected among a growing elite in a greater sensitivity towards women , slaves and animals .
22 His approach to clients was summed up in a remark I overheard him make to a colleague at the bar : ‘ You know me — I believe everybody ’ .
23 The Musselburgh Bypass and East Approach to Leith were selected for specific debate at The Examination in Public into the Region 's Structure Plan .
24 Bloomfield 's approach to linguistics was based on observation of the language .
25 I decided to study linguistics at M.I.T. Although I learned a great deal , particularly regarding rigorous methods in linguistics , I must confess that the M.I.T. approach to linguistics was too narrow for my taste , and I found the hothouse atmosphere there somewhat uncomfortable .
26 The value of the open-system approach to geomorphology was summarized ( Chorley , 1962 , p .
27 Lyall 's more obliquely modernist approach to harmony was less readily integrated , while the piano suffered from being too low in the sound-mix .
28 Unacceptable standards of behaviour and attainment at Tyndale did not mean that all schools following an enquiry or discovery approach to learning were similarly failing .
29 This little episode happened in a school whose approach to learning was liberal in the extreme .
30 Since the pupil-friendly approach to truancy was introduced , attendance has improved by 15 per cent .
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