Example sentences of "approach to [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He advocated a unified central approach to budgeting and recommended above all that the State Control , the regime 's auditing body , be given access to the accounts of all government agencies .
2 Unemployment and the poverty it brings can never justify criminal behaviour but it does , very often , explain it and the Conservatives ' refusal to accept the fact undermines their entire approach to law and order .
3 Mr Merlyn Rees as Labour Home Secretary had given voice to the more usually reticent position early in 1978 when he charged Mrs Thatcher with ‘ an irresponsible and dangerous approach to law and order … whipping up people 's fears in a ‘ cynical ’ ’ attempt to win votes ' .
4 Drawing software takes a mathematical approach to lines and shapes , and deals with objects rather than individual pixels .
5 Scientists are excited by this computer approach to archaeology and they 've plans to reconstruct other great buildings of the past bringing them to life once again .
6 It can not be accused of privileging advertisements and popular songs over canonical texts , a favourite put-down by critics of an eclectic approach to text and discourse .
7 Survivors of sudden cardiac death : a rational approach to evaluation and therapy of patients surviving ventricular fibrillation .
8 Although there are a number of different means of facilitating the alphabetical subject approach to documents and information , all these different approaches share common problems .
9 We have invited one outside lecturer , , who will be showing a different approach to mobility and stress release and I am sure his work will give food for thought in your own teaching .
10 This dual emphasis on the reader and on analysis of texts in units larger than a sentence seems to offer the beginnings at least of a new approach to text research , one which moves beyond a correlational approach to readability and starts instead to identify causal relationships between aspects of texts and difficulties in comprehension .
11 Radical approach to goodwill and intangibles
12 DataEase 's menus are n't overlaid GUI-style and do n't drop down , but this makes for a simple approach to building and using your database .
13 London based Islamic architect Abdel Wahid El Wakil talks to Peter Rawstorne about his approach to art and architecture .
14 From an observer 's point of view this ad hoc approach to eternity and salvation poses acute problems of description .
15 The differential approach to users and their needs
16 The integral approach to users and their needs
17 In presenting a geomorphological approach to glaciers and landscape Sugden and John ( 1976 ) utilize a simple systems approach as a vehicle for the explanation of complicated ideas because they believe ‘ in the value of a systems framework as a powerful explanatory tool ’ .
18 … can best be viewed as a well-disciplined , systematic approach to education and training characterised by explicitness ( particularly in regard to objectives ) , by sophisticated analysis and synthesis , by the utilisation of optimal decision making procedures and by rigorous empirical evaluation .
19 These are yet another new approach to education and training .
20 His conceptual approach to problems and decision-making is supported , mostly positively , by a superior general intellect .
21 And it 's the role of the plants is to bring new ideas to the group , , change the approach to problems and the strengths that a plant has is that they 're often independent , with high intelligence .
22 Since moving to Australia in 1983 he has enjoyed both the informal Australian approach to life and the outlook of writers like Stoddart and Richard Cashman : ‘ They are much more challenging in their approach , less constrained by conventions , ’ he says .
23 Beneath this irascible veneer was a man of cultivation and taste , whose priorities contrasted sharply with his son 's laissez-faire approach to life and amiable enjoyment of the traditional outdoor pursuits of an English country gentleman .
24 He had a highly personalised approach to life and self-fulfilment , partially based on high standards and discipline .
25 ‘ I am familiar with the darker view which encompasses bestiality , incest , parricide , rustling , infanticide and the murderous rivalry within the Women 's Institute , but I had imagined that this view was the product of a warped approach to life and greatly exaggerated . ’
26 There was some indication , too , that the child who was showing signs of a helpless approach to life and one or more symptoms of childhood disturbance ( truanting , bedwetting , stealing , fearfulness and so on ) as well as experiencing a lack of care was especially likely to be depressed in adulthood ( Harris et al. , 1987c ) .
27 A helpless approach to life and a low sense of self-esteem are two factors which have been suggested as being associated with a raised risk of depression following threatening life events ( see chapter 4 ) .
28 Blond and beefy , built like a rugby forward , Paul had a very straightforward approach to life and a cheerful disregard , almost contempt , for anything remotely ‘ artistic ’ .
29 Other event-producing situations are unrelated to an individual 's approach to life or personality characteristics .
30 His approach to economics and sociology tended to concentrate on personalities or small groups , rather than broader analysis , and he took but a limited interest in the philosophical aspects of history .
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