Example sentences of "let [pron] know [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Let everyone know you 're being humped . ’
2 ‘ She 'll ring Hong Kong , let them know we 're on our way . ’
3 Let them know we 're alright Paul .
4 They certainly did n't choose to drop out of society like their New York City equivalents who could always return to daddy 's money ; rather , theirs is a quest to reflect the plight of the dispossessed and let them know they 're not alone , to offer the disaffected hope , and to somehow go beyond merely preaching to those who already understand .
5 It 'll be harder to get to the villa in some respects because Val and John , Val , Val 's husband 's retiring in July , he suffers with his dreadful headache , and they 're going to spend ninety per cent of their time in Spain , but she did say whenever I want to go , as long as I let them know they 'll come home cos they 're gon na buy a house in Chesterfield and er she said whenever we wan na go , they 'll come back over to their house in Chesterfield , so , we
6 He 's got to go to those trustees and let them know I 'm capable of handling my own money . ’
7 I find some offences disgust me , Im let the guy know , but then I let them know I want to help them
8 On balance she thought it would be more fun to show herself , and let them know she 'd overheard their conversation .
9 Before the start , just let them know you are there and do n't let anyone crowd you ; try and make as much space for yourself as you can .
10 ‘ And let them know you 're grateful . ’
11 Let them know you 're around and I can say on behalf of the Labour MPs of Nottinghamshire , you 'll have our full support .
12 ‘ Go and join the others , let them know you 're my new bride . ’
13 At least let them know you 're not going .
14 Let them know it 's going to have a fabulous programme and be full of people they know or others of a like mind .
15 The 44-year-old composer said : ‘ When they let me know they could not afford to pay more than £6 million , I realised we had to step in to save it for the nation .
16 Why he should want to risk his secret with me , perhaps , next week , let me know it , I could n't imagine ; what the lady was doing out in Ascot gloves , I could n't imagine ; and who she was , I could n't imagine .
17 ‘ You never let me know you ! ’
18 ‘ Well , ’ he said slowly , ‘ you could put your arms around my neck , press your soft body into me and let me know you accept my offering . ’
19 Why did n't you ring me and let me know you were coming ?
20 if anybody can sort of if you write in English , maybe could send it to you , could get it translated at the Stortford , oh that might be very useful , erm , I mean , I 'll certainly do some letters and if anybody else wants to , if they let me know I 'll let them have the addresses for them , erm , there are fax as well and that suppose to be a quicker way than writing a letter actually than send through a fax , right , erm , if anybody can then we could send them to you and , and ask you to send it on , and we would sort of postage , would be covered would it Margaret ?
21 Perhaps you 'd give a ring and let me know I 'd welcome your feedback . "
22 shouting let me know he was there
23 let you know they 'll come back from the letters .
24 yes , I thought I 'd just nip in , let you know I 'm still alive
25 Everywhere she went she worked like a trooper and her wonderful smile let you know she was enjoying everything she did .
26 This does n't mean I wo n't make her jump through a hoop or six before I let her know it : in the craft of dybbukry revenge and forgiveness are merely two sides of a single coin .
27 The knowing look in his eyes let her know she had n't fooled him for an instant , but he gave a single nod .
28 ‘ We will make a fair noise , let him know we are coming , ’ commented Lane .
29 ‘ At least let him know you 're alive . ’
30 ‘ I 'll phone him , and let him know you 're coming . ’
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