Example sentences of "let [noun] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he says ‘ But he who tells of wars and heaven , under the sway of grown up Jupiter , of pious heroes and semi-divine leaders , who at one moment things of the holy assemblies of the gods on high and then of those deep kingdoms where a fierce dog barks , let him live in the frugal manner of Pythagoras and let herbs provide his harmless diet ’ .
2 If the judge fears that the foreman may unwittingly say something harmful , he should obtain the query from him in writing , read it , let counsel see it and then give openly such direction as he sees fit .
3 Thereafter I sat back and let Tod handle everything .
4 Karen poured the coffee when it arrived and let Whitlock help himself to milk and sugar .
5 Let Ben take it to the man in Lancaster .
6 I bought five kept another one for my sen and let Bernard have one let er woman opposite us have one .
7 Let Sarah have hers first . ’
8 ‘ It 's about time England adopted the attitude of : Why make Gazza track back and defend , when we could have other players to do that and let Gazza do what he 's good at .
9 Let Spencer help you , my dear , my youngest son always did have a good head for figures . ’
10 Bring your chair over then and we 'll wash your hands , hang on let mummy do it , do n't drag it , good boy , let's run the tap then you can get back to sleep
11 Let mummy give it to you .
12 Let mummy give you a drop more spray .
13 Well let mummy fasten your shoes first and Grant 'll be in from school in a few minutes .
14 Come on , let mummy wipe your face .
15 At the end of any article it is normal to give conclusions , explaining what the article means in a short , pithy summary , but I want to create debate , not stifle discussion , so after each article I will simply pose some questions and let readers create their own ideas .
16 You let Ann read it .
17 Unwisely , I let Dana see my drafts of these poems , and at once I could sense his disapproval , his jealousy even , that I had written the poems myself .
18 Let David organise it then ’ !
19 Below , Western Avenue ran from the Hollywood Hills in the north for miles south towards the port at San Pedro , one of many frontiers that let gangs know which turf was theirs and separated one class from another , black from Latino , Latino from Asian , white from the rest , us from them .
20 Let peoples serve you ,
21 Let Malpass figure it out .
22 ‘ Yes , I 'll get a written report from them and let Management have it .
23 It was as though Estabrook had set two dogs on Judith 's heels — one bringing death , the other life — and let fate decide which caught up with her first .
24 Let fate take its course
25 Have I decided to submit all this to the Prime Minister 's office as it stands , to lay it all just as it is before Francis Tite and let fate take its course ?
26 The Russians should have the courtesy to move over for some miles into middle Asia , where there is an abundance of space that lies close to them but far from us : let Russia give us sufficient coast on the Black Sea so that , from there we can resettle our beggars and peasants in Asia Minor …
27 Let fitzAlan believe her cowed and defeated , so he would leave her alone to think .
28 Well , let Ebert have them .
29 Let Peace fill our Heart ,
30 Stay calm and let nature take its course .
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