Example sentences of "clearly [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The point is that there are areas in the South African game where standards have clearly fallen behind the rest of the world .
2 Perhaps the most obvious illustration of the extent to which trade was forcing itself upon the often unwilling attention of traditional diplomacy was the creation of a new type of diplomat most clearly typified by the commercial attaché .
3 The meeting was held as advertised and Kinloch addressed it in a wordy speech in which , after pleading with his audience to keep the peace , he criticized the government for excessive taxation , and declaimed : ‘ In short , the whole of our misfortune as a nation , the whole of our misery , the whole of our distress , can be clearly traced to the circumstances of the people being deprived of their share of the British Constitution by not having a voice in the election of persons to represent them in the House of Commons . ’
4 Nevertheless the influence of the Societies can be clearly traced in the reform movement of 1808–9 and again , as a remote cause , in the reforms of the 1830's .
5 It will be clear that for this approach an artefact which already embodies a categorization process is clearly distinguished from a natural object which does not .
6 As far as the constant and variable capital is concerned the values which are replaced — — are clearly distinguished from the increments and , and these latter represent additional values and use-values .
7 In face and figure young Pelops is clearly distinguished from the foursquare sturdy elder Oenomaus .
8 In these pieces the three higher parts are clearly distinguished from the two lower and given showy coloratura .
9 By about the time when Belli published his Arie , this strophic form which Caccini had clearly distinguished from the solo madrigals in his Nuove musiche was overtaking the madrigal in popularity and quickly surpassed it .
10 The C 4 ν structure , with three modes of a 1 symmetry , should give three polarized Raman bands coinciding with three of the IR bands , and thus would be clearly distinguished from the D 3h structure .
11 Widespread privatization of farmland , state-owned companies and housing was planned , trade restrictions and controls on retail and wholesale prices would be lifted , and a reformed Bank of Albania would have functions clearly distinguished from the commercial banks .
12 It was clearly intended as a warning to Downing Street .
13 Commendo is not clearly intended as a disposition at law , and the texts are clear on its inadequacy to set up a trust .
14 The Via crucis ( composed some thirteen years later in 1878 ) was clearly intended as a far more imposing artistic statement , and listened to on that level it undoubtedly succeeds .
15 At the Moscow Air Show in August CIS design house Roks Aero displayed a full-scale mock-up of the T-101 Gratch ( Raven ) , a radically redesigned monoplane version of the An-2 with a turboprop engine , clearly intended as a competitor for the Cessna Caravan I. A prototype of the twelve-seater is being built in a Moscow factory previously used for MiG-29 assembly .
16 In what was clearly intended as a pre–emptive strike against Labour 's expected attack , it claimed the reforms were improving quality and responsiveness and providing ‘ even better value for money . ’
17 It was clearly intended as a question about her personal life , and , after a short hesitation , she decided that he had the right to an answer , if she really was going to take the job — and she now suspected gloomily that she was .
18 It will be a condition only if either there is an earlier case establishing that such a clause is a condition ( i.e. ‘ of the essence ’ ) or else it was clearly intended by the parties when they made the contract that any breach of that term would entitle the other party to repudiate the contract and reject the goods .
19 Before leaving for Bruges , he invites the monk , John : where " " pleye " " is clearly intended by the merchant in what the modern reader can identify as a particularly childish sense — " to play , have fun " — but which in Middle English , not unlike Modern English , also carries an additional sense of sexual play , and can also , appropriately , be used in the sense of playing tricks ( a semantic range similar to that of Old French dobler : cf.
20 But this point is already clearly recognized in the legal framework through such elements as the block exemptions .
21 It is clearly recognized in the report that the safety representative 's role is vital if workplace standards are to be consistently improved .
22 It can be useful to have one member of staff clearly designated as the patient 's primary therapist .
23 When he embarked on his enquiry he was clearly favoured by the government , but his report of his findings , Community Care : Agenda for Action , published in early 1988 , created government consternation .
24 By this conditional statement , Edward clearly referred to the non-performance of the territorial clauses of the 1259 treaty .
25 The contract clearly referred to the possibility of sub-sales .
26 These need to be clearly formed into a hierarchy so that an observer can move freely from one to another using both peripheral and foveal receptivity .
27 The problem is less obvious but deep-rooted , and can perhaps be most clearly formulated in the following question : Given the turbulent and unstable historical context of post-1914 France , is it possible to produce novels which are technically and artistically successful , politically effective , and accurately reflect contemporary social reality ?
28 Their work can be seen as a range of attempts to deal with a shared set of problems which have perhaps been most clearly formulated by the greatest among them — by Bloch and Febvre ( the founders of the journal ) in the first generation , by Braudel in the second , and more recently by Le Roy Ladurie .
29 These shortcomings are clearly compounded by the difficulty of creating new titles .
30 When Henry became Louis 's vassal for Aquitaine in 1259 , there was every sign that what Louis clearly regarded as a family quarrel had been resolved — at least among its leading protagonists .
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