Example sentences of "give me the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If I say , Well you 'll give me the only ever give me the negative version of the square root , so if I give you sixteen , you give me minus four .
2 I fondly hoped the isolation of Gullholm would give me the requisite peace and quiet to meet it . ’
3 This will give me the pleasurable task of transcribing sections of two Zep tracks from the all-time classic album ‘ Led Zeppelin II ’ .
4 If they can change me from one to another by using hormones , they can now give me the male hormones and then I 've got everything I want . ’
5 All right erm did you give me the sixty minute or ninety minute do you know ?
6 Why should you give me the five thousand when you know the guy yourself ?
7 I have a Roland U220 which would give me the sounds I want although I know it would not give me the great note-sequence loops which McLaughlin uses so beautifully .
8 ‘ In that case , why give me the no-involvement line ? ’ she demanded .
9 If St Pancras can in fact be rehabilitated then that will give me the greatest pleasure , ’ he said .
10 Well I , I took the liberty of the Lord Lieutenant 's appointed me to something called the Sussex Rural Options Land Bank and I brought you a copy of the leaflet , having notice of your question and I did ask the officer who deals with this in the Sussex Rural Community Council if he could give me the latest score on housing I thought that the news was bad from what he had said , but having said that , I mean every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raise in this council which is now chaired by Peter .
11 A night spent gummed to the plane 's polyester would give me the full story either way .
12 little bits , little bits and I 'll buy you your tobacco Neil nothing much but little bits of something now if he were working and could give me the full sixty that is thirty for his room and thirty for his food so that I did n't have to worry about th actually paying for him but he was paying me Paul is going to pay me fifty that 's thirty pounds in , I made a rule to Paul that he is going to eat thirty pounds worth of food and there are only twenty pounds in my profit and then the other rule , a man called Alan this window cleaner he wants the room that I 'm in at the moment
13 Now that should give me the same answer as if I do ten take away five so it 's take away a plus five , Yeah ?
14 The electric bite alarms will give me the initial warning and the silver foil will give me a visual guide to what the carp are doing with the bait .
15 ‘ 'E loves Rachel an' 'e 'd give me the top brick off the chimney if I asked 'im , but 'e 's a worrier .
16 It was the part of Sabbo in Rope ; mind you , I had been offered two leading roles at other reps that could n't give me the vital Equity card — so Sabbo it was .
17 I 'm not saying they would , but what I 'm saying is if say we 're four per cent behind and Ken wo n't give me the exact price
18 Will they give me the cold shoulder ?
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