Example sentences of "give [indef pn] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll give everyone a tractor ,
2 That 'll give everyone a chance to rest and then we can swim across to those fields . "
3 A referendum on Maastricht would give everyone the opportunity both to understand it and to debate its implications themselves .
4 I understand the problems , but an armed intervention force would give everyone the opportunity to seek a political solution .
5 And why not give someone a treat by investing in a subscription to both magazines ?
6 I will surely give someone a heart attack …
7 ‘ I might give someone a ring . ’
8 There 's not many men who are n't even relations that 'd give someone a record player for a wedding present . ’
9 Is n't it usual to at least give someone the benefit of a hearing before passing judgement , Dr Grant ? ’
10 ‘ We do n't like anything that might give someone the idea to stick a poor fish in beer .
11 No but I mean you 'd gi maybe give somebody a bit of pleasure sorting them out .
12 No my philosophy with customer relations has always been that you do n't give somebody a refund , you give them some tickets to fly again so it 's keeps them flying
13 So , while the ‘ angle of dangle ’ can give one a start in setting up a bridle , it should not be regarded as a universal solution .
14 Being master of a college does give one an opportunity to work with whatever forces already exist within the college in order to get things moving .
15 The navy says an accident would not give anybody a dose higher than the four millirems per year limit set for drinking water in the US .
16 I did n't give anybody a chance to hate me .
17 it was done in a very un-run way , because the notice , the notice was , was er it 'd be up about a couple of days and then it 'd come down , you see , so it did n't give anybody a lot of chance , but anyway now it 's been passed you see it goes ahead and that 's all there is to it , he , he has n't start doing it yet but
18 She was off into the scullery to stir the stew ; she was one of those women who will never give anybody the satisfaction of her undivided attention .
19 He did give everybody the run-around , but was wonderfully attractive and , indeed , still is .
20 would prefer that too er partly because it would give everybody an opportunity to look at the particular problem er in , in , in , in , in a shorter period of time , erm we are also cheered by the recent visit to England by the minister there Mr who made certain promises , I think it would be useful if Mr who a candidate at the meeting would reiterate his promises publicly today , thank you Chairman .
21 They do not give anyone a notice to quit .
22 One reason was that the Kuwaitis would n't give anyone a visa , except female print journalists .
23 Christopher Pitchford , QC , prosecuting , told the jury : ‘ Whatever their feelings were on the home of an elderly woman being broken into by a gang of drug-crazed teenagers , it did not give anyone the excuse to take the law into their own hands . ’
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