Example sentences of "give [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'll give the keys to you in a minute .
2 So that would give the publicity to the companies as certainly as the bearing as well , this I 've just had this made .
3 The next day I went to the State Bank , and there I was told , ‘ That 's fine , only we ca n't give the money to the person here .
4 Let's give the money to him at once .
5 He did not give the money to charity .
6 Well if you will give the money to Albert !
7 Get the three-pound-fifty off Mummy please cos I wan na give the money to Angela to put away for me .
8 It would be beneficial to warn people to change their ‘ alien ’ notes to familiar currency during the Christmas period so they know where they are and do not give the opportunity to the fast buck merchants of lining their nests .
9 But it 's very infectious , and you ca n't give the vaccine to pregnant bitches . ’
10 In other words he will give the tune to somebody else !
11 If someone dies in hospital the health authority may give the certificate to the registrar who attends the hospital but , again , someone must attend the registration office .
12 We 'll give the story to the newspapers , and they 'll tell the world about it .
13 ‘ We 'll give the story to the newspapers , ’ said Pete 's soft voice in Washington .
14 They thought it over and only after their first choice , Eli Wallach , announced he would be doing a Broadway play instead of making the film , did they give the part to Sinatra .
15 ‘ Lowly commanders do n't give the instructions to Rear-Admiral Blyth .
16 I will give the crown to my brother , and leave England .
17 Right , shall I give the marmalade to you then ?
18 I take this to mean that there is an equality , a reciprocity between the aesthetic and the political such that an aesthetic dimension or response can give the lie to a political claim .
19 NOW that we have come back — with our half-used tubes of Factor 20 sun-cream , the remnants of a jar of Arnica ( for bruises ) , and the broken paper umbrella that decked my son 's wiener schnitzel for our last supper — I can give the lie to all those Doubting Thomases who said that five small boys on skis was a recipe for disaster , not a holiday .
20 And the way Sir William treated him did n't give the lie to the notion .
21 The more isolated rural Free City population gave its support to the NSDAP at an early stage , but by and large the city dwellers could give the lie to much Nazi propaganda .
22 What you quickly learned was not to sit on the end of the row , because the usherettes would pass the trays down the row and as soon as everybody was served they 'd give the nod to the projectionist , the lights would go down again , and on the film would go .
23 I hope he 'll give the nod to the ones I 've suggested to you .
24 The salary records should provide the opportunity to analyse wages between productive and non-productive headings ; the fees ledger should give the facility to ‘ age ’ debtors if necessary by client type or geographical area .
25 Alternatively , the duke might give the post to someone who would take it in order to oblige the town council of Glasgow , perhaps even a member of that council , or one of the town 's lawyers .
26 Firstly , there was a widespread opinion that arts staff do not give the priority to INSET which other areas of the curriculum do .
27 How many of my readers can give the answer to ⅜ ÷ 15/16 but are unable to explain why the answer is ⅖ ?
28 It is therefore extremely encouraging that , only this morning , my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State took the 250,000th call on the single market hotline — and he could give the answer to the caller 's question .
29 If he does n't give the answer to this one soon , thought Robert , he is in danger of losing his audience .
30 No , not really I think erm , er first of all I think very important that especially with the Baltic share the public the should not give the commission to the Baltic public until , unless the Republic itself guaranteed the right of the Russian and minority and the Polish minority and the and the Republic .
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