Example sentences of "various [noun pl] of his " in BNC.

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1 Following the death of his mother in 1797 , he spent his boyhood in the various houses of his paternal grandfather .
2 Since Marx did not live to articulate a comprehensive theory of capitalist economic crisis , after his death there developed a number of theories of crisis which drew upon various aspects of his writings .
3 My contention is that the unity of Gandhi 's thought and the interrelatedness of the various aspects of his teaching spring from firmly-held metaphysical beliefs and that the nature of these beliefs become very much apparent when he expounds what he means by Truth .
4 But despite the various aspects of his ‘ U turn ’ , Heath had by this stage burned his boats , so far as the re-creation of a ‘ corporatist accommodation ’ was concerned .
5 Pares published extensively in a series of monographs illuminating various aspects of his chosen field , the role of the West Indies in the development of the British Empire , and the determination of British international policy during the eighteenth century : his pioneering investigations ranged widely over questions of war and trade and international law .
6 Despite continuing reservations concerning " character " issues — throughout the campaign Clinton had been assailed over various aspects of his private life and judgment — there was evidence throughout April that many senior Democrats had accepted the inevitability of his nomination and had begun closing ranks around him in preparation for the campaign against Bush .
7 We ca n't really get a feel for the man at the moment , except as a personality , and that is coming across through the media as Terry points out , various aspects of his personality .
8 Last month at Gladstone he remade the gallery space into his own architectural reality , placing within it various elements of his own invention including a human skeleton halved to make two , banners and posters bearing his iconic logos , knee-high tables and glass-etched panels .
9 Like the good gossip he was , he had merely been marshalling the various elements of his anecdote to their best advantage .
10 News of Meredith Putt 's ‘ accident ’ quickly went around the village , together with various versions of his peculiar behaviour .
11 John Huntington has analysed Wells 's fundamental procedures in his fiction , showing how these changed and combined during various phases of his life .
12 Put in slightly different language slave trading blocked the operation of Christian benevolence arising from man 's innate ability to distinguish good from evil and strengthened ‘ by various communications of his revealed Will ’ .
13 Various members of his family have resided there from time to time .
14 The various strands of his life were beginning to come together .
15 Suppleness or flexibility is vital to the tennis player who needs the ability to move the various parts of his body through a full range of movements , often at full stretch .
16 Various parts of his body were sent round Scotland , to remind his countrymen of the consequence of rebellion .
17 He then told Raine , 37 , where he intended to stick various parts of his anatomy .
18 Later on in the day he will be seen hanging unfeasibly heavy weights from various parts of his anatomy , in a freak show where fainting is considered a standing ovation .
19 A middle-aged woman , matronly in appearance and , thought Tony , not looking at all comical , went straight into a saucy monologue about an amorous coalman who left dusty handprints on various parts of his lady customers ' anatomies .
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