Example sentences of "used [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And last night the Prime Minister 's despairing supporters were trotting out the ‘ back him or sack him ’ line that Mrs Thatcher used to fall back on when she was in trouble .
2 We used to slide down on a tray , though we were in trouble if he caught us , mind !
3 The front view clearly shows the tentacles — not as stiff as bristles ; the suckermouth ; and the rasping teeth used to grind away at vegetation and algae .
4 It was great , it was you know so , so when training rooms are set up we used to sit here behind this barrier as it were , there 's you , there 's me .
5 They used to go down to the clogger 's shop , which was at the bottom of the road where they lived , and he used to make toast , make a drink , and they used to sit round by the light of a candle , eating toast and drinking .
6 ‘ I used to sit around between training and after meals and that meant putting on extra pounds that had to be worked off .
7 In the grant-aided sector we used to sit around in our meetings thinking of ways we could open things out and get away from things being dominated by White middle-class people .
8 And if anybody was sick , in those days , and they were nearly dying , we used to sit up with them , night after night .
9 He used to sit there in the mornings and clock us in with a stop-watch .
10 ‘ I 'm not joking , we literally , sometimes , used to sit there round a big table waiting for the scripts to come in .
11 Three pound fifteen shillings yeah and that 's how , that 's how the work went at that time but as I say these boatmen erm they used t they used to sit down on lock gates day in and day out and did n't have a ship to come in but I 've kno kno known them to row down the river at high tide or it 's before high tide and there 'd be another erm , there 'd be other boatmen there , one was called , he went down , he used to go down and get 'em going , there used to be a race between these two families or the and the first one got the boat , the first one roped it in you see , or wh what we call roping in , moor mooring the ship up , that was
12 ‘ You know , ’ he said , excitedly , ‘ right back before all this , right back when we used to live in the old hole , I used to sit out at nights and watch the moon .
13 When I lived in southern France I used to sit out on the porch and watch the sun go down across the valley .
14 In the mornings I used to sit out in the warm sun of our terrace and read the travellers ' descriptions of the Delhi they knew from their visits at the very apex of the Mughal Empire .
15 As cogs in the Soviet military machine , the three countries ' armies used to sit mainly near their western borders .
16 Me and an aunt , just outside Norwich we used to go up for Sunday dinner it was very nice along the river there , and a , I thought the very nice part of cathedral , there 's a cathedral lies very low it had some very nice erm , mm , what you call it , close , is it ?
17 Another thing er While on union business er I used to go up on negotiations , you see ?
18 I used to go up past there believing the that the minister was the the represented the Antichrist .
19 At about 2am I used to go up to the lab .
20 Before that , he used to go up to London and try to visit her . ’
21 We used to work there from half past twelve till five o'clock at night , taking the bucket out and put another bucket in because the buckets what they used to call the bushes what were connected to the links they used to wear and we used to have to take them , one of them out and used to have a big chain go right the way round and bring the , bring the buckets backwards and they used to loosen up all the , all the pins what used to go through the buckets in the , in the links , so we took them out and then they used to go up to the dock and br they put new bushes in .
22 So when you say you used to go up to the pool .
23 I mean we could never have paid for all those tyres and when I retired the erm , they actually had a tyre fitter supplied and paid for by they were the , they took over the whole of the tyre maintenance , they had a tyre fitter down there and he used to go up to depot , change any tyres over there that were necessary , he inspected them each day and changed them over but of course he was notifying erm at the same time .
24 He bought the car off my boy i i it was worth five thousand odd , it was worth and he , he used to cart me about , see just you know , Steve did , before he , we got this money he used to go up to what is that ?
25 Well we were n't in and Dempsey always used to go up to Jane , right ?
26 Yeah well there was one main test pilot that 's right and other people like , who used to be an instrument gang as well , well I do know this fella Cyril he was a dental mechanic in Walsall before the war and he came in there and he was an instrument mechanic and he used , he used to go up with the test pilot to actually test the instruments in the other compartments in the plane or cockpits just to see how they were reacting under operational conditions .
27 You used to go up with a with a sack or something and gather the chickweed er out of the tattie and neep .
28 We used to go once a month you know when the girls were in the Guides , used to go for their parade service and if you were at Auckley , Malcolm and I used to go up with Heidi did n't I ?
29 One mate had been into it for a while 'cos he used to go away to sea .
30 Oh they went , they went to the ones they used to go away to and and Castle .
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